Friday, June 21, 2024



Revelation 8: When the Lamb broke open the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and they were given seven trumpets.



When the door opened, the laughter and playing stopped. Moments before, everyone was up chattering and doing the opposite of what we were told. “Stay in your seats” the teacher said before leaving. When she got back, we hurried to our seats. There was silence.


  • Our silence could have been followed by someone saying “Uh-oh!”
  • Our silence was to see what would happen.
  • Our silence was not going to be broken by us, but by the one in authority.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw the LAMB open the seventh and final seal. Every being in heaven stopped whatever they were doing to become silent for about thirty minutes. Then the seven angels were given seven trumpets. Something was about to happen.


My Observations:

  • Silence in heaven showed a transition in tone.
  • Silence meant something serious was about to happen.
  • The seventh seal being opened meant the sentence was fully in affect.

Quieting down is sometimes hard to do. I mean, to escape the worries of the world, I use noisy things like movies, TV or music to drown out thoughts of problems and troubles. In fact, I was afraid of turning off music or talking when driving my car. BUT GOD enjoys when I can be silent with HIM.

Silence is important. There is a tone of serenity with silence, but in this case, it was to mark the start of the end of Satan’s full sentence. GOD’s people do not have to worry about this sentence, because JESUS has saved all who believe in HIM.


  • What do you think the writer was doing in that half an hour period?
  • Have you ever been in a noisy crowd that suddenly got silent?
  • Will you take some time to become silent before the LORD so you can hear what HE has in store for you today?

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