Tuesday, September 7, 2021



1 Corinthians 12: Now, concerning what you wrote about the gifts from the Holy Spirit.

I want you to know the truth about them, my friends. You know that while you were still heathen, you were led astray in many ways to the worship of lifeless idols. I want you to know that no one who is led by God's Spirit can say “A curse on Jesus!” and no one can confess “Jesus is Lord,” without being guided by the Holy Spirit.




Gutter after gutter, I bowled a 12 out of 300 on my first outing. You would think this was a disaster, but it was great to me! I was invited out by one of my fathers. Back in the day, the community had many influencers who wanted to see kids do something better with their lives. I just liked being there, no natter how bad I did.


  • I would not say anything bad about this influencer even though I did not know his purpose.
  • I would not say I had a terrible time bowling” because the influencer might not take me again.
  • I would not say “Curse you” to the influencer, because this would show dissatisfaction.


Paul addressed a question about the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT. “No one who is led by GOD’s SPIRIT can say ‘A curse on JESUS!’” Also,” No one can confess “JESUS is LORD,” without being guided by the HOLY SPIRIT” were the words Paul used as an opener. He recognized that it took being influenced by the HOLY SPIRIT to turn away from following a lifeless idol.


My Observation

  • GOD wants me to follow the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT.
  • GOD wants me to avoid anything that curses HIS holy name.
  • GOD wants me to be guided by the HOLY SPIRIT so I can be comforted, guided and trained by HIS love, perseverance and wisdom.


There is a part of GOD who get’s little recognition, namely the HOLY SPIRIT. I mean, when I believe that JESUS died to save me and was raised from the dead, HE sent the HOLY SPIRIT to live inside me.


Ever since then, the HOLY SPIRIT looks at every word I say, thought I think and desires I hide in my heart. Instead of beating me up, HE asks the FATHER “Will you please forgive HIM?” The FATHER agrees and erases my sin. I am grateful that GOD saved me in the middle of my sins and gave me the HOLY SPIRIT to comfort me even when I mess up.



  • What do you notice about being led by the HOLY SPIRIT?
  • Have you ever felt like blaming GOD or have gotten so mad at HIM that you felt like not serving HIM or even cursing HIM?
  • Will you consider being influenced by the HOLY SPIRIT who will lead you to true peace and a strong sense of love today?

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