Wednesday, November 30, 2022

When Life Gets Difficult

When Life Gets Difficult

1 Thessalonians 5: It is at night when people sleep; it is at night when they get drunk. But we belong to the day, and we should be sober. We must wear faith and love as a breastplate, and our hope of salvation as a helmet. 




Life was particularly hard during a stretch of time. It seemed like trials were not ending before another would surface. “You have got to be kidding!” I exclaimed in frustration. To mask the pain, I went to places with loud music, dancing and drunkenness.


  • I needed an escape.
  • I wanted some temporary relief.
  • I saw other people having ”fun” so I thought I would try what they were doing.


Paul, Silas and Timothy spoke about “night” or dark times. During these times, it is easy to be persuaded into getting “drunk” or to rely on something to ease the pain that may not be good for the soul. Putting on specific protective clothes was the recommendation.


My Observations

  • To ease the pain of life, GOD provides faith in HIM as a solution.
  • To face hurt, rage and anger, GOD gives me love as a way out.
  • To calm the negative thoughts that could run through my mind, GOD provides hope as a cure for despair or helplessness.


Faith, love and hope as clothing provide protection for my heart and mind. I mean, when I dwell on all the pain and hurt I or others are going through, I start sinking into an abyss of sorrow. I then desire to slip into dark places and get “drunk” to temporarily ease the pain. Unfortunately the pain gets worse and more frequent. Is there a cure? Yes.


GOD tells me to place my faith in HIM to use HIS love as the protector of my heart. HE then tells me to place my hope in HIM and not on temporary things in life. This hope will keep my mind focused on HIS love versus the trial. I am glad faith, love and hope come from GOD versus any human.



  • What is the origination of faith and love spoken by the writers?
  • Do you think humans can show unflawed faith or unflawed love?
  • Will you place your hope in JESUS for salvation so HE can clothe you with HIS faith and HIS love which is unflawed and pure for your protection today?

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Awake and Sober

Awake and Sober

1 Thessalonians 5: But you, friends, are not in the darkness, and the Day should not take you by surprise like a thief. All of you are people who belong to the light, who belong to the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, we should not be sleeping like the others; we should be awake and sober.




After the discussion about expensive ties, I wanted to fit in, but did not have the money. I found a discount store and bought suits and ties. I got compliments. We all went to lunch. On the way, a homeless person asked us for money. “Sorry, I don’t have anything” was my lie. The others mumbled “Get a job” after we walked away.


  • I was drunk with trying to fit in with “successful” people.
  • I was following darkness by withholding from someone in need.
  • I was asleep to serving the Kingdom of GOD.


Paul, Silas and Timothy continue the discussion about the “Day of the LORD.” They bring great news that believers will not be surprised by the coming of the LORD. They also explained that believers belong to the “light” and to the “day” and warned everyone to remain “awake and sober,”


My Observations

  • Living in darkness feels right and acceptable, BUT GOD wants my sins to be brought to light.
  • Getting drunk on fame, fortune, power, politics, money, mayhem or substances can hurt me, BUT GOD wants me to sober up to see HE is the answer.
  • Falling asleep to hurt, pain, and agony of others can make me experience the terrible side of the “Day of the LORD” BUT GOD rescued me by belief in JESUS an d wants me awake to see HIS people.


Awake and sober means something special to GOD. I mean, when life truly gets hard, it is easy t want to fall asleep to all the trouble others are facing. When I go into dark places, I get feel more comfortable getting drunk on what the world has to offer. BUT GOD wants me to remain awake and sober.


HE not only wants me to wait on the coming of the LORD, but also be actively pursuing HIS Kingdom when HE returns. Life gets hard and the answer is the LORD. I am glad HE is the Day and the Light to shine on my path.



  • What does “belonging to the day” mean?
  • What warning do the writers give?
  • Have you ever been asleep about something important or drunk with something not good for you?
  • Will you remain awake and sober to see others in need and to see the return of JESUS some day?

Monday, November 28, 2022




1 Thessalonians 5: There is no need to write you, friends, about the times and occasions when these things will happen. For you yourselves know very well that the Day of the Lord will come as a thief comes at night. When people say, “Everything is quiet and safe,” then suddenly destruction will hit them! It will come as suddenly as the pains that come upon a woman in labor, and people will not escape. 




Driving to do some Christmas shopping, my sister and I discussed what we were going to get. I was at the wheel of my first car, which was previously hers. We played Christmas music on the radio. Rounding a slight curve, I hit a patch of ice. I stepped on the brakes hard and slid into a light pole. Her head hit the windshield. Fortunately, we both walked away from the accident.


  • I had no idea this day would turn out the way it did.
  • One moment things were going great, the next not good at all.
  • Things had changed so quickly and I was not prepared.


Paul, Silas and Timothy wrote about the “Day of the LORD.” They had previously taught about this devastating day and mentioned it in this letter. When the LORD returns, destruction will hit those who do not believe in HIM. There will be no time to prepare.


My Observations

  • GOD is giving me time to be prepared for CHRIST’s return.
  • I should be on the lookout for the LORD each day.
  • Quiet and safe are the times that I should be the most nervous.


Being relaxed and secure seems to be a pursuit of life. I mean, work is set up to pay bills to one day retire and live out the rest of life quietly. Sounds nice. BUT GOD has a different plan. HE wants us to know this place we live on is temporary and filled with pain.


HE wants us to know that one day, JESUS will return and destroy this place suddenly. HE wants HIS believers to be encouraged that destruction will not happen to them. I am glad GOD protects us from HIS wrath, and accept life’s purpose to pursue HIS people and bring them into a saving relationship with the LORD.



  • What do the writers mean by “quiet and safe?”
  • Have you ever experienced a time when things were going well one moment, and the next something very difficult happened?
  • Will you become prepared for the LORD by establishing or strengthening your relationship with JESUS today?

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Death or No Death

Death or No Death

1 Thessalonians 4: 15 What we are teaching you now is the Lord's teaching: we who are alive on the day the Lord comes will not go ahead of those who have died. 16 There will be the shout of command, the archangel's voice, the sound of God's trumpet, and the Lord himself will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; 17 then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. 18 So then, encourage one another with these words.



“Don’t worry about it” were the assuring words from someone who saw me crying over in the corner. I had messed up “whatever” and was crying. It took me a while to realize that whatever I was crying over really did not matter.


  • I was upset.
  • I thought I had messed up.
  • I worried that I could not be included in the favor others had.


Paul, Silas and Timothy spoke about the “Day of the LORD.” This is the moment JESUS will return to collect what is rightfully HIS. Anyone who died believing in JESUS as the Savior will rise from the dead. Anyone alive will be “gathered up” in the clouds to meet the LORD. These were encouraging words.


My Observations

  • The “Day of the LORD” will be a glorious day for those who believe in the Risen LORD.
  • Those who have died believing in CHRIST will be risen,
  • Those who are alive believing in CHRIST will be “gathered up”.


Having a bad day? What about messing up? All bad days and messing up will one day come to an end. Based on the belief in JESUS as the Savior, even death cannot stop us from being with HIM. HE will raise people from the dead and will gather up those who believe.


Unfortunately the “Day of the LORD” has a difficult side. Those who are against JESUS and who persecuted HIS servants will not see HIS grace. One day HIS mercy will end for those who do not believe. Until then, I look up to the heavens, each and every day, to see when HE will return.



  • What do the writers say about death?
  • What does this passage say about “life?”
  • Will you give your life purpose and seek GOD’s kingdom to prepare people to receive CHRIST today?
  • Will you be encouraged that JESUS has you, no matter how much you messed up or how many days have been bad?


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Brought Back to the Right Place

Brought Back to the Right Place

1 Thessalonians 4: 13 Our friends, we want you to know the truth about those who have died, so that you will not be sad, as are those who have no hope. 14 We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will take back with Jesus those who have died believing in him.




Driving around in circles, I asked for directions twice. I could not find my way to my destination. Finally I stopped a third time and asked for directions. “This place is confusing, but I will help you” were the comforting words I received from a stranger.


  • I was lost and did not know how to get unlost.
  • I was getting frustrated with being lost.
  • I watched the time more intently as I drove around, seemingly aimlessly.


Paul, Silas and Timothy spoke about life after death. This confusing subject has been met with all sorts of philosophies, but they brought the truth. They spoke of eternal life through belief in the resurrection of JESUS.


My Observations

  • This place is not my home, rather GOD’s kingdom is my desired home.
  • Life can be confusing, BUT GOD is the only truth I can believe.
  • JESUS was murdered, yet HE rose from the dead and now that I believe, I can have everlasting life.


GOD is in control. This statement is more difficult to say when things are going wrong or falling apart. Life can be confusing and directionless. BUT GOD made a way back to HIM, namely JESUS.


HE pursues us, knocks on us and asks us to surrender our lives to HIM. HE cares deeply for us, especially when we sin. HE provides for us and cannot wait to take us back to the place JESUS is building to this day. I a glad GOD has us in HIS hands and will never let go.



  • What is the writers opinion about death?
  • What is your opinion about death and life after death?
  • Will you surrender your life to CHRIST and seek JESUS as your Savior so you can be taken back when HE returns?


Monday, November 21, 2022

Win the Respect


Win the Respect

1 Thessalonians 4: 11 Make it your aim to live a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to earn your own living, just as we told you before. 12 In this way you will win the respect of those who are not believers, and you will not have to depend on anyone for what you need.




“I should send an email to the entire company regarding my exit” I thought to myself. I was handed an award for outstanding team member as I was asked to leave the company. Something inside me said “Don’t send the email. Just be quiet.” I am glad I didn’t send the email.


  • I wanted to be noisy!
  • I wanted to expose certain people for what they were doing.
  • I wanted to keep the “respect” that I had earned, but was hurt, wounded and confused.


Paul, Silas and Timothy urge the people of Thessalonica to do three things. Live a quiet life, mind your business and  earn a living. This may sound like “shut up and get a job”, but it is not saying this, rather “expand your outreach to nonbelievers by quietly winning their respect.”


My Observations

  • Outreach should include my business or work interactions.
  • GOD desires that I reach out to those who do not believe in a quiet respectful way.
  • Self-reliance includes GOD’s provisions so I will not boast that I did it myself.”


Relying on GOD is hard, but necessary. I mean, sometimes I just want to say “help!” and that is okay to do so. But there are times when I need to be strong and show my faith in GOD’s provision for those who need to see that HE is the ultimate provider.


GOD seeks those who do not believe and wants to show HE can and will provide. HE does not need a braggard, rather someone who is confident in the LORD. I am glad GOD is the target  for all to seek.



  • Why do you think the writers give this goal?
  • Have you ever wanted to be seen or heard, so you were tempted to get noisy?
  • Will you seek the respect of those who are not believers by relying on GOD’s provisions today?

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Control Lessons

Control Lessons

1 Thessalonians 4: It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.




Stumbling onto a magazine filled with nudity, something inside me caught fire. “This is great!” I thought to myself. I told a friend what I saw and he got excited! His parents had a subscription channel, way back in the day, that sent a somewhat scrambled signal, but you could still make out the distorted images. It was “R” rated and we celebrated the brief moments of nudity.


  • I did not want to control myself.
  • Something inside me wanted to see the real thing.
  • When I saw the real thing, I wanted to see and do more and more.


Paul, Silas and Timothy gave some difficult news to a group of people who may have been exposed to sex in ways that were not pleasing to the LORD. They do not condemn the people, rather urge the to “learn to control” themselves. This control would help in GOD’s calling.


My Observations

  • GOD’s calling on my life includes self-control.
  • The LORD is the one who sees what I do in secret.
  • GOD gave me the HOLY SPIRIT to live inside me and wants me to feed HIM with things that are pleasing to HIM.


Self-control is a learned skill. I mean, when I really, really like something that is not good for me, I need specific ways to reduce or avoid that thing. Whether it be food, drugs or sex, addictions can be difficult to stop. BUT GOD provides help.


HE does not want me to fail, rather HE provides ways to help me live a life that is pure and holy for HIM. HE guides me away from harmful things that cause insatiable desires and focuses my attention on HIM. I am glad GOD is the one who provides a way.



  • What is the will of GOD the writers spoke of?
  • Have you ever gotten into a crowd that said “It is okay” to do what you are doing, yet something inside you says it is not?
  • Will you ask GOD for self-control so HE can guide you to live a life that is pleasing and purposeful from HIM today?

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

More Than Just Living

More Than Just Living

1 Thessalonians 4:1 Finally, our friends, you learned from us how you should live in order to please God. This is, of course, the way you have been living. And now we beg and urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus to do even more.




After a hard week’s work, I sat down to get some rest. Suddenly the weekend was over and I had to get up and work hard again. I was doing what was expected of me, but felt there had to be more than “this” to life.


  • I was simply making a living.
  • I was not causing anyone any harm or trying to do wrong.
  • I went to church, work and tended to my family, but felt something missing.


Paul Silas and Timothy modeled behaviors that were pleasing to GOD. Believers in JESUS saw their dedication and did the same. Their lives were focused on CHRIST. Then the writers gave a strange challenge to “do even more.”


My Observations

  • GOD wants me to model a life that is pleasing to HIM.
  • Making disciples to follow JESUS should be my goal.
  • Having others do more than I ever could Is GOD’s goal for me.


Leaders who want other people to act like him or her is not the best thing. I mean, leaders make mistakes and could cause others to do the same. Pointing our lives to JESUS is the goal. I may meet someone who just became aware of their belief in JESUS and may have some ideas on how to live. But this advice should be short lived.


GOD has gifted others to surpass any advice I could give. Who knows the great and wonderful things GOD has in store for you. I am glad HE wants me to have abundant life. I am also grateful you can do even more.



  • What do you think the writers were doing to live a life pleasing to GOD?
  • Have you gotten stuck in the rut of just living?
  • Will you step out on faith and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to guide you to “do even more” than just living by seeking HIS Kingdom today?

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Getting Stronger

Getting Stronger

1 Thessalonians 3: 11 May our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus prepare the way for us to come to you! 12 May the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow more and more and become as great as our love for you. 13 In this way he will strengthen you, and you will be perfect and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all who belong to him




“I don’t like that guy” I said to myself. I also said “I don’t like that woman” because she was associated with “that” guy. Each time I saw him or her, I would get distracted at the brazen attacks they did on people. “How am I going to protect myself? I wondered.


  • I spent hours and hours thinking of ways to protect “my” ideas and career.
  • I missed deadlines because I was so concerned with protecting myself that I forgot to do what I was supposed to do.
  • I was so distracted making labels for him and her that I had no time to create new ideas.


Paul, Silas and Timothy send their best to the people of Thessalonica. They knew the people had faced difficulties that need a solution. The problem stemmed from church leaders and government officials persecuting people because of their belief in JESUS. They needed something to make them stronger, namely love.


My Observations

  • Love is the strengthening source that GOD wants me to have.
  • Love clears up paths that seem to be filled with barriers.
  • Love enables me to, one day, become perfect and holy in the presence of GOD and FATHER when our LORD JESUS comes.


GOD is love. GOD is power. Love is power. Seems simple, but I don’t always take advantage of this great exercise for my soul. I mean, it is easier for me to hate other people and label him or her “wrong” versus taking the harder route of loving those who seem to hate me.


Love takes patience, goodness, kindness faithfulness, joy, peace, gentleness and self-control. When I exercise the fruit of the Spirit, I get stronger, because GOD’s strength is made perfect in my weakness. I diminish and HE grows. I am glad HE gives me a better way, namely love for one another.



  • Why do you think the writers wanted to come to the people?
  • Have you ever gotten so mad or distracted by someone that you cannot think?
  • Will you ask GOD for a portion of HIS love so you will become stronger and able to withstand attacks, so you will also stay on the HIS path today?

Monday, November 14, 2022



1 Thessalonians 3: So, in all our trouble and suffering we have been encouraged about you, friends. It was your faith that encouraged us, because now we really live if you stand firm in your life in union with the Lord. Now we can give thanks to our God for you. We thank him for the joy we have in his presence because of you. 10 Day and night we ask him with all our heart to let us see you personally and supply what is needed in your faith.




Assessing my life, I felt dead. I was in a dead end job, alone and piles of debt. No longer did the parties make me “happy.” “Is this it?” I asked myself, because at the time life really stunk.


  • I felt like I was dead.
  • I thought that there should have been more to life than a rotten job and bills.
  • I had run out of options when trying to make myself “happy” during difficult circumstances.


Paul, Silas and Timothy were encouraged in the middle of their suffering. Timothy had brought back “welcome news” about the faith of the Thessalonians. While Paul was the teacher, he needed to hear some news that other people were standing firm. He says “now we really live.”


My Observations

  • Hearing that other people are standing firm in the middle of their trials makes me see that I can stand firm in GOD, just like him or her.
  • After deciding to stand firm for the LORD, I can praise HIM for what HE is doing in other folks lives.
  • GOD wants me to also ask for HIM to supply my needs as well as the needs of others.


Feeling empty or dead happens to some of us. I mean, when things are not going as I expect for an extended time, I can run out of gas. BUT GOD wants me to run out of gas. Why? Because HE wants me to rely on HIS power.


HE brings me through trials and HE delivers others from theirs. When I see what HE is doing in the lives of others, I get encouraged to stand firm and patiently wait on the LORD. I am grateful, HE is working everything out in HIS way and time.



  • Why do you think the writers were encouraged?
  • Have you ever felt that life was not going as well as you expected?
  • Will you be encouraged by what GOD is doing in other people’s lives and know HE has a wonderful plan for you as well?
  • Will yu stand firm for JESUS today?

Friday, November 11, 2022

Welcome News

 Welcome News

1 Thessalonians 3Now Timothy has come back, and he has brought us the welcome news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always think well of us and that you want to see us just as much as we want to see you. 




“I heard you turned into a church guy” a friend said to me in a seemingly insulting way. It did not come as a surprise to me seeing how I was fresh out of a life that I felt was regretful. While convicting, I took this as welcome news because he had heard about my change of heart.


  • I was known for the parties I threw.
  • I decided to live for the LORD, so I stopped doing what I was doing.
  • I did not know people were still watching me.


Timothy came back with “welcome news” about the faith of the Thessalonians. They had been persecuted, yet they stood firm in their faith. They wanted to see Paul and Silas but could not so they sent their well wishes.


My Observations

  • Welcome news is a rare thing GOD wants me to spread.
  • Encouraging news is something in short supply that GOD gest excited when I give it away.
  • Good News is the message of JESUS saving me, and GOD loves when I spread it.


“No bad news” is what many people want, but cannot find. I mean, the news is full of devastation, corruption and fear. People can’t get enough of it. Somehow humans are drawn to “train wrecks” or car accidents. I don’t know if it is a feeling of superiority that make humans want to point out that something went wrong over there. BUT GOD wants welcome news.


HE wants me to focus on HIS strength, HOS power and HIS deliverance. GOD shows me people who have kept the faith and want me to do the same, even through trials. I am excited that I can bring welcome news about those who have kept the faith, especially you.



  • What welcome news did Timothy bring?
  • How did you feel when someone brought you good news about how someone was doing?
  • Will you start bringing “welcome news” so GOD’s Good News can be heard today?

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Check In

Check In

1 Thessalonians 3: For while we were still with you, we told you ahead of time that we were going to be persecuted; and as you well know, that is exactly what happened. That is why I had to send Timothy. I could not bear it any longer, so I sent him to find out about your faith. Surely it could not be that the Devil had tempted you and all our work had been for nothing!




As the storm loomed closer, the news about the hurricane became more and more prevalent. My relatives were in this particular area that was in the path of devastation. I had no idea what was going on.


  • I had many questions.
  • I wondered about their safety.
  • I could not bear not knowing, so I checked in on them.


Timothy was sent to check in on the Thessalonians. They heard about the persecution and needed someone to go to Thessalonica to help out and to encourage them to remain faithful.


My Observations

  • Many people may be going through storms, so GOD wants me to check in on them.
  • I may not have the answer to the situation, BUT GOD wants me to show I am with those HE sends me to.
  • “Does GOD care?” is the question that gets an affirmative answer by me when I check in.


Trial and tribulations are not desirable! In fact, they stink! Unfortunately, there is a being who wants to cause problems at every turn, namely the Devil. His torrent of storms causes people to become discouraged and give up. BUT GOD has an answer. “You and me.”


“Wait, what can I do?” you may ask. Simply check in on someone. “But I need to be checked in on” you may say. Yes, when you need to be checked in on, someone else is in the same difficult spot and may just need you. I am not telling those who cannot muster up energy to just try harder. I am saying if someone comes to mind, check in on him or her.



  • Why do the writers mention their persecution?
  • What trial and tribulations have you gone through that you wished someone would have checked in on you?
  • Will you check in on someone so you can pray for him or her and encourage people to keep their faith in CHRIST?



Dear LORD, please bless this reader to remain firm in YOUR path. Bless this reader to be filled with encouragement that YOU have all situations under YOUR control. amen

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

No Turning Back


No Turning Back

1 Thessalonians 3: Finally, we could not bear it any longer. So we decided to stay on alone in Athens while we sent Timothy, our brother who works with us for God in preaching the Good News about Christ. We sent him to strengthen you and help your faith, so that none of you should turn back because of these persecutions. You yourselves know that such persecutions are part of God's will for us. 




Walking into the sports arena felt wonderful! All the trophies glistened. I thought to myself, I am going to get one of those!” During the orientation the coach explained that anyone could walk onto the team. Morning run would begin at 5 AM, breakfast was with the team, so was study and practice was after study, then bed. I immediately turned around and walked away!


  • I did not want to go through all of that.
  • I wanted things to be a little easier.
  • I desired the prize, but not the work.


Timothy was sent to the people of Thessalonica to strengthen them. They had gone through persecution and some people felt like turning back from following JESUS. Life must have been hard as they contemplated leaving GOD and doing what everyone else is doing. Timothy was sent to help them in their faith.


My Observations

  • Life can get difficult so GOD gave me a COMFORTER.
  • Persecutions can be plentiful, BUT GOD helps me go through the persecution.
  • Difficulties can be massive, so I need a place where I can put my hope, namely JESUS.


Sometimes the trial seems bigger than the solutions I can dream up. I mean, it seems like “I” have to come up with the solution because GOD won’t get me out of the trial. This is a lie. GOD has the trial mixed in with HIS plan for my life.


When I go through trials, I gain a ministry that is unique to me. I can now reach others that are going through similar trials. GOD does not want me to suffer, but knows I will. HE is there to strengthen me and sends others to me to help me not turn back. I am glad GOD has many people to surround me in trials.



  • Why do you think the writers could not bear it any longer?
  • What persecutions have you gone through because of your beliefs in the LORD?
  • Will you hang in there and not turn back even when it gets hard so GOD can show HIS power over your situation HIS way and in HIS time?

Monday, November 7, 2022

True Victory


True Victory

1 Thessalonians 2: 17 As for us, friends, when we were separated from you for a little while—not in our thoughts, of course, but only in body—how we missed you and how hard we tried to see you again! 18 We wanted to return to you. I myself tried to go back more than once, but Satan would not let us. 19 After all, it is you—you, no less than others!—who are our hope, our joy, and our reason for boasting of our victory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes. 20 Indeed, you are our pride and our joy!




After “winning” the company’s most coveted prize, I felt elated. “I” had worked hard and “I” felt great. Months later, I found out the CEO of the very large company was going to visit. I thought this was my chance to make an impression. “I won the -blank, blank- award”, I blurted. “Good for you” was his snide reply as he walked past, not even asking me my name. “Why did I say that?” I said to myself frustrated!


  • I thought awards would raise me up.
  • I thought achievements would make me stand out.
  • I thought accomplishments would take me places that were “higher” than where I was.


Paul, Silas and Timothy expressed their desire to visit the people of Thessalonica, but were hindered by Satan himself. They tried and tried, but could not physically return, so they sent a letter, letting everyone know how much they cared for the Thessalonians, They also expressed that the true victory is speaking about them before the LORD.


My Observations:

  • GOD wants me to be willing to go and serve other people.
  • Watching other people grow in the LORD should be where I place my hope.
  • JESUS will return one day and I will be able to brag about you because you are my pride and joy.


“It is you” are words that stick out to me. I mean, humans love “winners” but usually the focus is on themselves. “Look at what ‘I’ did” is the attitude that is innocent, yet when used too much, can lead to a desire to always be in the spotlight.


GOD wants me to see other people and to say “Look at what he or she did” versus “Look at what ‘I’ did.” My bragging and boasting should be about those who have placed their trust in the LORD. I am grateful for you and I am glad GOD has given you a special reward.



  • Why do you think the writers are so fond of the people?
  • Who do you brag about outside of yourself?
  • Will you get excited when other people place their trust in the LORD and when he or she gains honor before the LORD today?

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Keep Going

Keep Going

1 Thessalonians 2: 14 Our friends, the same things happened to you that happened to the churches of God in Judea, to the people there who belong to Christ Jesus. You suffered the same persecutions from your own people that they suffered from the Jews, 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and persecuted us. How displeasing they are to God! How hostile they are to everyone! 16 They even tried to stop us from preaching to the Gentiles the message that would bring them salvation. In this way they have brought to completion all the sins they have always committed. And now God's anger has at last come down on them!




It seemed like the trial would never end. Problem after problem, more situations kept coming. But after a while everything got better. I looked around and there were no trials that could not be handled easily. That’s when bigger trials happened and persecution became the norm.


  • I was attacked for speaking about JESUS.
  • I was labeled “the problem” while trying to bring the solution.
  • I was confused and wondered why GOD would allow me to suffer even though I spoke about HIM.


Paul, Silas and Timothy spoke empathetically to the people of Thessalonica. They mentioned that other churches have suffered persecution for speaking about JESUS as the one and only Savior. Church leaders, who did not believe in JESUS being GOD, caused many trials on those who believed.


My Observations

  • JESUS said I would suffer in this life, but my suffering would be worth it.
  • GOD does not want me to suffer, but knows I will because I believe in HIS SON as the solution for everything.
  • Those who do not believe in JESUS will label me, causing persecution.


Trials and persecution are not fun. I mean who wants to go through rage, hatred or attacks? I sure don’t!. BUT GOD allows this for some reason. The strangest thing is that JESUS, being GOD, volunteered to become a human and suffer.


HE was ridiculed, slandered, lied on and murdered by HIS own creation. Unknown to them, JESUS rose from the dead. The church leaders could not stand to bow down to JESUS even after HIS resurrection.


They made people suffer and threw them out of the cushy communities. Fortunately GOD saw this and encouraged all to keep going. I don’t like trials from unbelievers, but I will stand firm and keep going.



  • What suffering do you think the writers spoke about?
  • Have you ever suffered because of your beliefs in JESUS?
  • Will you keep going even though your love for CHRIST may not make you popular, knowing HE loves you dearly?

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Silent Work

Silent Work

1 Thessalonians 2: 13 And there is another reason why we always give thanks to God. When we brought you God's message, you heard it and accepted it, not as a message from human beings but as God's message, which indeed it is. For God is at work in you who believe.




After receiving some bad news, all of us seemed to be down. We sat around in a low mood, brooding over the bleak future. “Everything is terrible” were the thoughts that ran through my mind. Then someone came into the room with a smile. Not saying a word, the person walked in with a calmness that made me calm.


  • I was uneasy about the future.
  • I was feeling like Things would not get better.
  • I instantly felt better when a genuine person exuded peace in the middle of the storm.


Paul, Silas and Timothy felt thankful for something special. Not only did the people of Thessalonica listen to the message that JESUS as their Savior, they believed with all their hearts. GOD could now, work in them.


My Observations

  • One reason I can give thanks to GOD is that HE is at work in me.
  • Another reason I can give thanks to GOD is that I don’t have to try so hard because HE is doing the work.
  • Yet another reason I can give thanks to GOD is that HE chose me to live for HIS purpose.


GOD’s power is unstoppable. It cannot be diminished, restrained or deterred in any way. Yet HE chooses to live inside those who yield their beliefs to HIM. As frail and fragile as you and I are, HE stores HIS power inside us.


Even a smile in the middle of a storm can help tame a torrent. GOD provides peace, love, and grace that is unimaginable. HIS work in you and me is great. I am thankful GOD has chosen us.



  • What reasons do you think the writers gave their thanks to GOD?
  • What reasons do you have to be thankful?
  • Will you believe in JESUS as your LORD and Savior beyond salvation, rather so GOD can work in you to do amazing things unknown to you?

Tuesday, November 1, 2022



1 Thessalonians 2: 10 You are our witnesses, and so is God, that our conduct toward you who believe was pure, right, and without fault. 11 You know that we treated each one of you just as parents treat their own children. 12 We encouraged you, we comforted you, and we kept urging you to live the kind of life that pleases God, who calls you to share in his own Kingdom and glory.




“You should do it!” was the message of the dare. As more people joined in, the dare became more appealing. “I bet you won’t” were the words of the final straw! There was no turning back!


  • I had to do what people were urging me to do.
  • I did not want to be embarrassed so I did it.
  • Now that I did it, people urged me to do some other dare that made no sense.


Paul, Silas and Timothy spent a tremendous amount of time with the people of Thessalonica. They made sure their conduct and motives were pure, right and without fault. They were very careful with the people, just like parents are with their children.


My Observations

  • GOD wants me to treat HIS children carefully.
  • Encouragement is a gift GOD wants me to give in generous doses.
  • Comfort is needed when GOD delivers someone to me who is going through things.


Sharing in GOD’s Kingdom is the goal. HE has better stuff, a better place and no worries. HE wants everyone to have a better life. Unfortunately there are times when I think that life can be obtained here on earth. I try to scrape as much money together to pretend I am living a great life. BUT GOD has a better way.


HE wants me to live my life with HIS purpose. This means I should govern myself in a way that is pleasing to HIM. Encouragement and comfort should not be held back from anyone, friend or foe. I am glad GOD calls me and you to share in HIS kingdom.



  • How did the writers treat the people?
  • How would you like to be treated?
  • Will you seek to share GOD’s kingdom with everyone and live a life that is pleasing to HIM today?