Thursday, September 14, 2023



Hebrews 13: Remember your former leaders, who spoke God's message to you. Think back on how they lived and died, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not let all kinds of strange teachings lead you from the right way. It is good to receive inner strength from God's grace, and not by obeying rules about foods; those who obey these rules have not been helped by them.




“You can do this” were the words I clung onto when times were difficult. Halfway believing in the words, I continued on through frustration, obstacles and a desire to give up. After coming through the problem I remembered the words “You can do this”  


  • I thought I needed someone to motivate me.
  • I really needed something inside me to keep going.
  • I was able to go through the problem and use the situation as an example of overcoming issues.


Paul, the assumed writer, addressed a problem of fear related to following the Law over eating certain types of food. Some “strange teachings” had risen, causing people to have fear and eventually lose their faith. He told everyone to “remember your former leaders, who spoke GOD’s message to you” so all would not forget where their faith came from.


My Observations:

  • There have been many people who told me about CHRIST being the answer to my problems.
  • Encouraging words about how GOD will never leave me, helped me through many difficult situations.
  • GOD protects me from weak philosophies that raise more concerns than solve my problem.


Problems sometime makes me want any solution, no matter how far it will take me away from believing in GOD. I mean, when I have a problem that threatens my livelihood or comfort or pleasure, I listen to people who sound like he or she has an answer, but really do not. I listen to philosophies that take me further and further from faith in GOD, meanwhile my situation gets worse and worse. GOD wants something different.


HE provides faith, love, and joy as my foundation. HE then tells me to remember what JESUS did for me whenever I can. HE reminds me of people who encouraged me to keep going when times were difficult. HE then let’s me know I can be used even though I am not perfect. I am motivated from within, because the HOLY SPIRIT lives in me.



  • What philosophy is the writer warning against?
  • Have you ever tried to follow a human philosophy that seemed like a good idea, but turned out to be a dead end?
  • Will you take a moment to remember those who provided godly encouragement and imitate those who have been through many situations by believing in GOD today?


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