Friday, July 5, 2024

Disaster Training

Disaster Training

Revelation 9:The locusts looked like horses ready for battle; on their heads they had what seemed to be crowns of gold, and their faces were like human faces. Their hair was like women's hair, their teeth were like lions' teeth. Their chests were covered with what looked like iron breastplates, and the sound made by their wings was like the noise of many horse-drawn chariots rushing into battle. 10 They have tails and stings like those of a scorpion, and it is with their tails that they have the power to hurt people for five months. 11 They have a king ruling over them, who is the angel in charge of the abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon; in Greek the name is Apollyon (meaning “The Destroyer”).


12 The first horror is over; after this there are still two more horrors to come.




Working in a building with several floors came with its challenges. One challenge was addressing “What would happen if a storm hit the building?” We were given instructions to follow by the disaster leaders.


  • We had to understand what to do and where to go during a disaster.
  • Somehow, the disaster leaders needed to recognize when a disaster hit and know what to do.
  • Knowing how long the disaster drill would take, helped me plan the rest of my day.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, continued his description of the horror that would take place after the fifth angel blew his trumpet. He went into detail, describing the locusts as best he could because he had never seen anything like it. He also was given the duration that the locusts would be able to cause pain.


My Observations:

  • It seems like GOD is preparing the people HE gave a seal on their foreheads, to recognize a supernatural disaster and to also know how long it will last.
  • It also seems like those who are sealed by GOD will have an important role during the supernatural disaster.
  • As with all disasters, this supernatural disaster could not be averted, rather prepared for.


Preparation helps. I mean, when I can prepare for difficult times, it makes it easier for me to go through the unpleasant situation. GOD seems to love preparing you and me for what HE is going to do. The problem is believing HE will do what HE says.


GOD has told us HE loves faith. JESUS got excited when faith was shown, even in its smallest way. HE also said “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” HE means these words to those who believe in JESUS as the Savior from the judgement HE “will” do on Satan’s kingdom. Those who believe can find comfort, knowing they will not have to experience GOD’s wrath.



  • Does the writer seem overwhelmed by what was shown?
  • Have you ever been in a disaster drill?
  • Have you ever been in a situation that was devastating and were not prepared for it?
  • Will you read what GOD has revealed so you can be prepared for the remainder of your life by surrendering your life to JESUS today?

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