Thursday, July 11, 2024

Promise Fulfilled

Promise Fulfilled

Revelation 10: Then the angel that I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven and took a vow in the name of God, who lives forever and ever, who created heaven, earth, and the sea, and everything in them. The angel said, “There will be no more delay! But when the seventh angel blows his trumpet, then God will accomplish his secret plan, as he announced to his servants, the prophets.”




“I will never do that again” I said in a halfhearted promise to GOD. I was either sick or in a lot of pain. This scared me to the point of making promises to GOD as if I could bargain my way out of the trouble.


  • I thought that if I promised something to GOD, HE would stop the problem immediately.
  • I did not think of the promise later on, so I did what I said I would “never” do again.
  • I was reminded that I promised to “never” do whatever I did, but only in a gentle convicting way.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard the mighty angel take a vow in the name of GOD, that there would be “no more delay!” All prophecies would be fulfilled and there would be nothing left to do for GOD’s plan for humanity to be known.


My Observations:

  • There are still parts of GOD’s plan that are hidden to mankind.
  • JESUS fulfilled HIS part of the plan, but there is still another part that is secret to us.
  • GOD has revealed what HE will do, but not when HE will do it.


Not knowing causes frustration. I mean, as a kid, I was blessed to get Christmas gifts, and I wanted to know what was behind the wrapped gift. I would wait in anticipation for the time to open the gift. The same goes for waiting for GOD’s plan to be made known to humanity.


What is HE really going to do and when? Are the questions that plague us to this day. BUT GOD has not missed a single promise and HE will not miss any future promises. The reason the angel could promise there would be no delay, is because GOD was ready to do whatever HE was going to do. HIS promises cannot be stopped.



  • Why does the writer go into detail about the vow the angel took?
  • Have you ever asked the question “What is the purpose of life?”
  • If you are going through trouble, will you seek GOD as your solution so HE can show you HIS “secret plan” for humanity some day?

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