Monday, July 1, 2024

Light Ownership


Light Ownership

Revelation 8: 12 Then the fourth angel blew his trumpet. A third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that their light lost a third of its brightness; there was no light during a third of the day and a third of the night also.




My favorite time of year is summer and my favorite time of summer is the beginning of the season because the amount of daylight is at its maximum. I remember once, getting up early and staying outside until the sun finally set. It was warm and people seemed to be ready to enjoy outdoor activities.


  • I enjoyed summer picnics.
  • I enjoyed outdoor activities.
  • I enjoyed the abundance of food that seemed to be everywhere in the summer.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, heard the fourth trumpet blown by the fourth angel. Natural light was affected, probably causing the earth to become dark and cold. Vegetation would struggle to grow and the Satan’s kingdom would become an uncomfortable place.


My Observations:

  • GOD spoke light into existence.
  • GOD owns light and life.
  • GOD has a plan to remove the things HE created, like light, and provide a better place.


Light is necessary for life. I mean, without light, nothing can grow. GOD is not in the business of punishment, BUT HE will focus HIS judgment onto Satan, a created being who chose to challenge GOD by trying to become HIM and by trying to steal all humans.


Every problem that you and I faced has come from Satan’s prideful decision to challenge GOD. Something had to be done. JESUS chose to die for the sins of mankind, knowing some people would still not choose HIM. HE will become all the light we will ever need!



  • What “third” of things does the writer mention?
  • Have you noticed that when the first four angels blew their trumpet, a third of things were destroyed?
  • Will you focus your life on a third of the Holy Trinity, namely JESUS, who gave HIS life for you and wants you to not only believe for salvation, but wants you to surrender your life to HIM today?

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