Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Undisciplined Celebration

Undisciplined Celebration

Revelation 11:When they finish proclaiming their message, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will fight against them. He will defeat them and kill them, and their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, where their Lord was crucified. The symbolic name of that city is Sodom, or Egypt. People from all nations, tribes, languages, and races will look at their bodies for three and a half days and will not allow them to be buried. 10 The people of the earth will be happy because of the death of these two. They will celebrate and send presents to each other, because those two prophets brought much suffering upon the whole human race. 11 After three and a half days a life-giving breath came from God and entered them, and they stood up; and all who saw them were terrified. 12 Then the two prophets heard a loud voice say to them from heaven, “Come up here!” As their enemies watched, they went up into heaven in a cloud. 13 At that very moment there was a violent earthquake; a tenth of the city was destroyed, and seven thousand people were killed. The rest of the people were terrified and praised the greatness of the God of heaven. 

14 The second horror is over, but the third horror will come soon!




“No talking during library time” were the words of doom. Who wants to spend 30 minutes being quiet? First a note was passed, then a giggle would happen. Soon a word or two would come out, then full conversations. The battle of quiet to noise went on. Months later, the library teacher left and we celebrated! But another was put in place. This one was more strict and would enforce discipline.


  • We wanted to do what we wanted to do!
  • We wanted the teacher to be stopped by any means necessary.
  • We celebrated the teacher’s abrupt departure, only to be met with a more strict teacher.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw the “beast” rise from the abyss. This being was able to kill the two prophets of GOD. People around the world celebrated, unknowingly siding with the beast, who could be classified as the second part of the unholy trinity with Satan. All seemed lost, BUT GOD intervened.


My Observations:

  • GOD has total power over life and death.
  • GOD has a specific time in which HE does everything.
  • GOD has a plan to tear down Satan’s kingdom, so celebrating against GOD would not be wise.


Getting my way may not be good for me. I mean, when I want something that is not good for me, I may put my desires over GOD’s. HE may even allow me to get my way, but I may not want what I get. Trouble follows a celebration of my being undisciplined. BUT GOD has a remedy.


“Surrender” is something I need to do in order to truly change. HE wants me to surrender my life to HIM by believing in HIS SON, JESUS, who died for humanity and was raised from the dead. Only JESUS can cure the mess humans have made.



  • Does the writer seem as if he was writing a horror movie of today?
  • Have you ever celebrated something you were clearly doing wrong?
  • Will you ask GOD to guide you away from the things you were or are doing, that are against HIM, so you can have a loving relationship with HIM today?

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