Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Wish You Weren’t Here

Wish You Weren’t Here

Revelation 8: 13 Then I looked, and I heard an eagle that was flying high in the air say in a loud voice, “O horror! horror! How horrible it will be for all who live on earth when the sound comes from the trumpets that the other three angels must blow!”




Stopping off at the postcard stand, I grabbed one and wondered what to write. Yes, I said postcard. It had an image of where I was on vacation and space to write a note on the back and it could be mailed, so people could share in the experience. Someone suggested writing “Wish you were here!”


  • I wanted the person to share in the experience.
  • I wished that the person I was writing to could be there experiencing what I was experiencing.
  • I was going through an enjoyable time so I wished everyone could experience the same.


John, the disciple JESUS loved, saw an eagle flying high in the sky. It said a warning that the next three trumpets would bring on extremely rough times, like never before, for those who lived on earth.


My Observations:

  • GOD’s power is sometimes misunderstood.
  • GOD has patience and HE gives us enough warning to be ready for HIS plan.
  • It us up to me to be ready for the return of CHRIST, which will be a terrible day for those who have not put their trust in HIM.


Kingdom demolition is not a popular subject, but is necessary. I mean, we like storybook endings that say everything will be alright for everyone. BUT GOD says something different. HE warns us of HIS plan to tear down Satan’s kingdom. During that time, everyone will wish they weren’t here.


Everything will be alright for those who love the LORD and put their trust in HIM. But when HE returns, HE will judge those who have not put their trust in HIM or who have manipulated HIS words to get their way. GOD doesn’t play. HE provides ample time and fair warning for me to get my life straight and to align with HIM.



  • Did the writer capture what seems to be the eye of the storm?
  • What do you think will happen when JESUS returns?
  • Will you put your total trust in JESUS so HE can guide you in this life as well as in eternity today?

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