Thursday, July 9, 2020

Mentor’s Role

Mentor’s Role
Acts 13: 42 As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people invited them to speak further about these things on the next Sabbath. 43 When the congregation was dismissed, many of the Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who talked with them and urged them to continue in the grace of God.


Excited about being asked to be a mentor, I went to a peer and asked, “What should I say?” I mean I had never mentored anyone before. Or at least I did not knowingly mentor anyone. He said “Pull them up, just like you are being pulled up.” I did this for a while but I learned a new twist.

  • There were times when I thought I was higher than someone.
  • There were times when I believed in levels.
  • There were times when I compared my abilities to other people.

Paul and Barnabas finished speaking about JESUS to a group who had been attending church regularly. They were so intrigued, that they invited Paul and Barnabas to speak the next week. From that day, they became mentors.

  • GOD wants me to point people upward.
  • GOD wants me to grow people to believe in HIM.
  • GOD wants me to take the focus off of me and place it on HIM.

The new twist I learned in mentoring was not to “pull someone up”, rather point “people upward.” GOD is the only One who is “up.” HE is the Most High. Encouraging people to follow HIM is the best mentoring I can ever do. I am grateful I can point people to the grace of GOD.

  • Are you being followed by people?
  • Do people take your advice?
  • Will you provide people with encouragement to follow GOD and urge them to surrender their lives to JESUS today?

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