Monday, February 14, 2022

Given a Task


Given a Task

Galatians 2: But those who seemed to be the leaders—I say this because it makes no difference to me what they were; God does not judge by outward appearances—those leaders, I say, made no new suggestions to me. On the contrary, they saw that God had given me the task of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as he had given Peter the task of preaching the gospel to the Jews. 




When my parents said “clean up this” or “clean up that” it felt like drudgery, but I would do it. But when the teacher was passing out “tasks” she overlooked my raised hand and picked someone behind me. “What about me?” I asked. She said “Okay, you can clean up the book area.”


  • I was delighted to be chosen!
  • I was excited to be part of something.
  • I was willing to do what it took when I was given a task to do.


Outward appearances were not what Paul was going for. He had run into phony people who spoke about GOD on the surface, but were seeking fame and praise. Those who were truly following JESUS saw Paul’s actions from his heart. He was given a task by GOD to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles.


My Observations

  • GOD looks at my heart actions versus surface actions.
  • GOD knows when I am being sincere versus self-serving.
  • GOD gives me tasks because HE wants me to succeed in growing HIS kingdom.


Getting tasks from GOD happens daily. I mean, HE wants me to pray for those around me and hope that all I encounter in a given day, accept JESUS as the Savior. The task HE gives to us is usually not small,


HE wants all to be saved. Unfortunately there are times when I get distracted by the days worries or a season or even a specific day. GOD loved me so much that HE gave me HIS one and only SON so I could believe in HIM and be saved. I am glad I can look beyond the day and see HIS eternal love.



  • What task is the writer given?
  • Why is his task different than Peter’s?
  • What task do you believe GOD is giving you?


Dear LORD, please give the reader a clear task for today. Let him or her know YOUR love. amen

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