Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Them Effect

John 4:When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)

The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)


“Watch out for those people” I was warned mistrustfully. I could hear the years of hurt mixed in with bitterness from this seemingly innocent person. Unfortunately, hate was the motive of the statement. Another unfortunate thing was they were justified in their thinking because a lot of mistreatment did occur.

  • I have to decide whether or not to lump people into the “them” category every day.
  • I have to decide if my hurt and pain is causing others to hurt and feel pain.
  • I have to decide if my broad statements about people are blinding me to someone who may need my help.

JESUS did a few socially abnormal things in this passage. HE spoke to a woman in a subordinate tone by asking her for a drink. A woman? No demands? Yes, JESUS asked politely. Next, JESUS spoke to a Samaritan. A Jew speaking to a Samaritan? Unheard of. BUT JESUS saw something different.

  • JESUS wants me to see all of HIS humans as valuable.
  • JESUS wants me to stop propagating anger and hurt so others can be saved.
  • JESUS wants me to get rid of my biases towards other people so I can be available to be sent to whoever HE chooses.

No respect of person is an old way of saying no prejudices towards or against a certain group of people. GOD wants to take my small-mindedness and stretch it into love for the world. This is hard. I mean, aren’t they supposed to act like I act and do what I do? No. GOD has an individual plan for HIS people.

HE wants me to reach people where they are and point their lives to HIM. HE will change them from the inside and I do not have to see the change, because I am too busy noticing how much he is changing me. I am grateful to be part of GOD’s vast family.

  • Are you fearful of “them?”
  • Do you secretly or overtly speak against “those people?”
  • Will you drop your prejudices so you can be used to reach many people for GOD today?

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