Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Successful Roles

John 6: 14 Then those men, when they had seen the sign that Jesus did, said, “This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.”

15 Therefore when Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone.


Desperate for a promotion, I asked leadership if I could take on the new role that was posted. I had no experience or even exposure to the new position, but I figured I could quickly learn and perhaps perform well. “Let’s put you in a role you can be successful in” they said.

  • There were times when I misjudged the importance of roles.
  • There were times when I could only see certain roles from my limited way I thought about them.
  • There were times when I thought less of certain roles than I should have.

Seeing the miracle JESUS had just performed, the crowd got excited. They desired a leader who could defy all human knowledge and perform miracles “for” them on command. JESUS saw their hearts and slipped away, alone.

  • GOD wants me to see HIM as GOD.
  • GOD wants me to bow to HIM as the Most High.
  • GOD wants me to accept HIS role as GOD who gave up HIS life to save me.

Becoming a limited political placeholder was not what JESUS had in mind when HE became a human. HE wanted to redeem all humans who would believe they needed saving. This was a difficult role as it required HIM to give up HIS own life and accept blame for all of my sins.

HE willingly did this and never once sinned against the rules HE gave to humans in the first place. JESUS did not want to become a political leader like small minded humans desired. JESUS wanted to be my Savior. I am grateful GOD had bigger plans for the world.

  • What are you trying to make GOD into?
  • Do you try to make HIM so small that HE is powerless?
  • Will you allow GOD to be GOD in your life instead of a being you blame your problems on today?

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