Monday, January 25, 2021

Going Through


Going Through

Romans 4: 13 It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith. 14 For if those who depend on the law are heirs, faith means nothing and the promise is worthless, 15 because the law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression.




Approaching a familiar area of traffic, I decided to go around it. I was not familiar with the side roads but they had to be faster than being stuck in congestion. I was caught by numerous lights and slow speed limits. Finally when I saw a clear road that would move a little faster, I rejoiced. I got on it and got caught by a train.


There have been many times when I tried to make my own way even though I followed the rules.

There have been many times when I tried to go around the situation versus going through it.

There have been many times when I just wanted the trip to be over, but my detour caused me to remain a lot longer than if I had just stayed on the right road.


Paul continues his explanation of Abraham, whom many Jews held with high esteem because GOD declared him righteous. Paul explains that it was not Abraham’s method of going through the Law of Moses that made him righteous, rather it was how he wrestled with going through the unknown while believing in GOD’s promise.


GOD wants me to go through difficult situations, believing HE is with me.

GOD wants me to go through easy situations knowing HE is with me there too.

GOD wants me to go through the unknown, believing in the promises HE has for me.


Trying to be “good” to get GOD to give me my way will not work. I mean, HE knows why I am following the Law and will count it as unrighteous. But when I believe that GOD has my best interest in mind, even when the situation looks difficult, GOD sees the faith.


When I place my faith in GOD’s promises for me, I do not throw out the Law, but I understand I need GOD because of it. The Law shows the need, faith brings out the deed. I gladly place my trust in GOD.


Are you trying to get somewhere in life and want to take shortcuts?

Do you believe you can get “closer” to GOD by following the Law?

Will you stop trying to manipulate GOD and simply enjoy the fact that HE loves you deeply and dearly and allow HIM to guide you “faithfully” through HIS Word today?

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