Thursday, January 7, 2021

Why Don’t You Be Perfect Trap


Why Don’t You Be Perfect Trap

Romans 2: 17 What about you? You call yourself a Jew; you depend on the Law and boast about God; 18 you know what God wants you to do, and you have learned from the Law to choose what is right; 19 you are sure that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in darkness, 20 an instructor for the foolish, and a teacher for the ignorant. You are certain that in the Law you have the full content of knowledge and of truth. 21 You teach others—why don't you teach yourself? You preach, “Do not steal”—but do you yourself steal? 22 You say, “Do not commit adultery”—but do you commit adultery? You detest idols—but do you rob temples? 23 You boast about having God's law—but do you bring shame on God by breaking his law? 24 The scripture says, “Because of you Jews, the Gentiles speak evil of God.”




Trying to fit in, I had several sets of “friends.” One set was for playing cards and games, the other for dancing and socializing and there was another who spoke about having sex with as many as they could. I tried to please all groups by indulging in the activities.


When I matured and GOD began to guide me, I went back to some of my “friends”, trying to get them to stop doing some of the things I had done. Not admitting my own wrongs, I showed verse after verse from the Bible. They turned a deaf ear.


  • There were times when I wanted people to do what I said, not what I did.
  • There were times when I wanted people to turn from their ways, while I conveniently hid my sin.
  • There were times when I wanted people to “be good” so I told them to stop sinning but forgot to mention my sins.


Paul turns to the Jewish church leaders and speaks about how they boasted about depending on the Law of GOD. He also writes about how they elevated themselves to the title of “teacher” and “preacher.” Then he asks, “Why don’t you teach yourself?” He challenged their hidden sin.


  • GOD wants me to follow HIS ways and the heart of HIS ways.
  • GOD wants me to be able to admit my sin, giving power to HIS word.
  • GOD wants me to point to HIM as the only good example so people will not become disappointed with my hypocrisy.


Saying “Do not steal” and taking even a paperclip from work is hypocrisy. The same with saying “Do not commit adultery” and watching porn or saying “I detest idols” and not giving to the poor but instead buying a huge TV.


Each Law GOD gave was to show how impossible it is to be perfect. The more a human tries to be perfect the more that person breaks all the laws. But there was one who was able to keep every Law, namely JESUS. HE became a human and never sinned. I am glad I can admit my sin to people and point to JESUS for my forgiveness.


  • Are you trying to manipulate people into being perfect while you are being a hypocrite?
  • Do you secretly break GOD’s law by taking credit for something you did not do?
  • Will you get off the path of trying to make everyone else perfect and admit to them your sins so they can admit their sins to GOD and accept JESUS as their Savior today?

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