Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hold That Thought

Hold That Thought

James 1: 26 Do any of you think you are religious? If you do not control your tongue, your religion is worthless and you deceive yourself. 27 What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world.




Staying awake one night, I thought of ways to argue over scripture. I had taken classes at a locally famous bible institute and wanted to show what “I” knew. We went back and forth over who was “right.” Looking back on the argument, I cannot even remember the conclusion.


  • Our argument had no “winner.”
  • No one was helped, yet I spent a lot of time getting my argument ready.
  • Being legally right was my goal.


James attempted to address a huge issue, namely religious arrogance. Religious arguments were probably the cause of people trying to out-say one another or to look good in front of each other. He then gives alternatives that were hard to address, but much needed.


My Observations:

  • Looking good in front of people can lead to my downfall with GOD.
  • Spending time sounding religious without actions is worthless to GOD.
  • Taking care of orphans and widows in their suffering is pleasing to GOD.


Thinking of ways to look good by spouting out scripture or quoting some famous person can sometimes show my insecurity. I mean, I am basically saying, “Don’t look at me, but listen to me as I say someone else’s words.” This habit can eventually become worthless. BUT GOD has another way.


Serve suffering people. James gives some examples, but they are not the only list. Serving family, friends and neighbors who are suffering would also please GOD. But it does not mean I should not seek orphans and widows who need help. GOD sees the heart and looking good in front of HIM is what is important. I am glad HE gives me plenty to “do.”



  • Why does the writer use the question “Do any of you think you are religious?”
  • Be honest, have you ever felt you were superior to someone by what you say?
  • Will you seek looking good in front of GOD, even when humans may not give you credit, by doing what HE wants you to do and serve who HE wants you to serve today?

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