Thursday, October 12, 2023

Running Up Behind Someone

Running Up Behind Someone

James 2: Listen, my dear friends! God chose the poor people of this world to be rich in faith and to possess the kingdom which he promised to those who love him. But you dishonor the poor! Who are the ones who oppress you and drag you before the judges? The rich! They are the ones who speak evil of that good name which has been given to you.




“Why are you running up behind him?” was the strange question posed to me. I had to decipher what was being asked. I was trying to be like a certain rich person. I studied the mannerisms, spending habits and even learned how to play a sport that was expensive and I did not really enjoy. Oh, “Why am I trying to follow the people who cause more problems than provide solutions?”


  • I was secretly trying to be rich, so I followed the rich.
  • I was unconsciously trying to act rich so I studied the rich.
  • I was lustfully seeking what the rich had, so I spent enormous amounts of time thinking about what I did not have.


James tried to address a serious concern, namely overlooking the poor. He first explains the heart of GOD by saying the poor who love HIM will possess HIS kingdom. He then states that GOD made this a promise, so it will happen. He then tried to open everyone’s eyes to the problem of following the rich and overlooking the poor.


My Observations:

  • GOD sees my heart and knows when I serve HIS kingdom.
  • GOD loves when I serve the poor and help people in need.
  • GOD wants me to treat the poor with the same honor as the rich.


Overlooking the poor is dishonorable to GOD. I mean, HIS heart seems to be geared towards helping the poor and serving them, but when I “innocently” follow the rich, I may not make time to seek those in need. I may even make a statement that “I plan on helping once I become rich.” BUT GOD sees through my scheme.


HE wants me to serve my peers when I am poor. HE then wants me to keep serving the poor if HE gives me more to share. The more HE gives me the more HE expects me to give others. Following the rich should probably be done in small doses. I am glad GOD wants me to increase my appetite for seeking to serve the poor.



  • How does the writer describe the rich?
  • Have you ever heard “There is not a problem being rich” from poor people?
  • Will you seek to serve the poor with the material blessings GOD has given you so you can bring honor on someone today?

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