Thursday, March 28, 2024

Words of Integrity


Words of Integrity

1 John 4: But you belong to God, my children, and have defeated the false prophets, because the Spirit who is in you is more powerful than the spirit in those who belong to the world. Those false prophets speak about matters of the world, and the world listens to them because they belong to the world. But we belong to God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever does not belong to God does not listen to us. This, then, is how we can tell the difference between the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.




“Spin” was the word used in explaining a difficult situation in a way that made it look as if the company was not at fault or was not responsible. “You should learn how to spin things” was the statement made to me as advice in the new role I had.


  • Something didn’t feel right about “spinning” words.
  • Something inside me said “this is wrong” but “everyone” else said I should go with the new statement.
  • I felt bad delivering the “spin” but eventually got used to it.


John attempted to address integrity. He may have seen people who were believers, willing to use the words of the world, instead of using the truth. He may have also seen that people may have been discouraged because some people were not listening to the words of love being presented. He gave believers of JESUS assurance.


My Observations:

  • GOD’s word is made with love for you and me.
  • HE wants us to find HIS lost sheep, so we can bring HIS loving message to them.
  • I have to realize that some people will not listen to the message of GOD because they do not know HIM.


When I say “JESUS loves and forgives you” I get a couple of different responses. I mean, one person will not say anything or may even say “get away from me”, while the other may burst into tears of joy and say “Thank YOU LORD.” GOD wants me to seek those who will hear HIS message.


This means I have to get used to people who may reject JESUS as their Savior, whether I like it or not. HE doesn’t need me to be heard, because HE is the one who draws people to HIM in the first place. I just need to be ready with HIS message. I am glad people spoke to me about JESUS.



  • What concern so you think the writer was addressing?
  • Have you ever told someone about your belief in JESUS and got an unexpected response?
  • Will you seek those who can hear GOD’s message of love by keeping your integrity, no matter what the world may think today?

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Test It First

Test It First

1 John 4: My dear friends, do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but test them to find out if the spirit they have comes from God. For many false prophets have gone out everywhere. This is how you will be able to know whether it is God's Spirit: anyone who acknowledges that Jesus Christ came as a human being has the Spirit who comes from God. But anyone who denies this about Jesus does not have the Spirit from God. The spirit that he has is from the Enemy of Christ; you heard that it would come, and now it is here in the world already.




“Measure twice, cut once” were the sage words of my uncle and my construction teacher. I was learning some light carpentry and those who had deep experience warned me that if I cut a board too small, then I would have wasted that board.


  • I was taught that the material is precious, so be careful with it.
  • I learned that whatever goes into the project should be a good fit.
  • I was warned to test out the material before installing it permanently.


John addressed “relative belief.”  He may have observed people “who clam the have the Spirit”, but in reality were not believers in JESUS, rather on the hunt for a crowd. John may have wanted to provide protection for believers by providing them with a way to test the Spirit.


My Observations:

  • There are those who claim to have the Spirit, who are not believers in JESUS.
  • Believers in JESUS should be able to say HE became a human, was murdered by HIS creation and HE was raised from the dead.
  • Before placing words in my heart, I should test them first by testing the person delivering the message.


Adding false belief to my heart can be detrimental. I mean, if I go down the road with someone who is saying false things about JESUS, then I could be seriously, if not eternally injured. BUT GOD made a way.


JESUS did become a human. In fact, HE was the perfect human who never sinned. HE lived as a human and felt every pain and temptation we can face. HE was slandered and murdered to die for your sins and mine. I am glad HE gives us a way to test the Spirit to keep us from harm.



  • Why does the writer provide this warning?
  • Is there any danger in believing in  “my made up truth?”
  • Will you test the Spirit of those who are giving you advice by asking if he or she believes that JESUS is GOD, who became a human and was raised from the dead to become the forgiver of our sins?

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Clarified Relationship

Clarified Relationship

1 John 3: 19 This, then, is how we will know that we belong to the truth; this is how we will be confident in God's presence. 20 If our conscience condemns us, we know that God is greater than our conscience and that he knows everything. 21 And so, my dear friends, if our conscience does not condemn us, we have courage in God's presence. 22 We receive from him whatever we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him. 23 What he commands is that we believe in his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as Christ commanded us. 24 Those who obey God's commands live in union with God and God lives in union with them. And because of the Spirit that God has given us we know that God lives in union with us.




“What do YOU want from me?! I cried out as things seemed to be falling apart. Just beginning my career and just returning to the LORD, I expected smooth sailing for the rest of my life. But when trouble hit, I questioned my relationship with GOD and wondered if this was the right choice.


  • I expected GOD to serve me.
  • I wanted a problem free life and expected GOD to deliver it.
  • At the first sign of trouble, I was ready to “leave” GOD or throw a tantrum.


John attempted to address insecurity regarding believers relationship with GOD. There was a lot of confusion because the church leaders of the day had freshly murdered the Messiah. John may have attempted to address how people were feeling towards GOD and wanted them to have a solid relationship with HIM.


My Observations:

  • GOD has a simple desire, that all humans be saved.
  • GOD wants us to have heaven on earth, so HE commands that we love one another.
  • GOD knew I could not keep the Law given to Moses, so HE provided the easiest most rewarding way to have a relationship with HIM.


GOD clearly answered the question, “What do YOU want from me?” I mean, HE has a creation with free will to choose HIM or not. HE would prefer all of us to choose HIM and HIS loving ways. Unfortunately, the world has a lot to offer that counters our belief in HIM. Lust for money, fame and various physical pleasures make GOD seem weak and forgetful. BUT GOD says different.


JESUS volunteered HIS very life so you and I could live eternally. HE didn’t stop there. HE knew we have to live in a world that opposes HIS love, so HE commanded that we love one another, simply to receive a slice of heaven on earth. I am glad that by believing in JESUS and loving others, I can have confidence in my relationship with GOD.



  • Why do you think the writer mentions “GOD is greater than our conscience?”
  • Have you ever felt that GOD has left you or that it is not worth following GOD or even believing in JESUS?
  • Will you align to GOD’s desires by believing in JESUS and loving others so you can be in union with GOD and have courage to ask for whatever you need today?

Monday, March 25, 2024

Show It


Show It

1 John 3: 13 So do not be surprised, my friends, if the people of the world hate you. 14 We know that we have left death and come over into life; we know it because we love others. Those who do not love are still under the power of death. 15 Those who hate others are murderers, and you know that murderers do not have eternal life in them. 16 This is how we know what love is: Christ gave his life for us. We too, then, ought to give our lives for others! 17 If we are rich and see others in need, yet close our hearts against them, how can we claim that we love God? 18 My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.




“You are a brainiac!” was the insult hurled at me. The words could be a compliment, but they were said as the reason I was about to get beat up. “What did I do?” was my only defense. This question only made the thug madder. His reply “3:15!” meaning I was going to get beat up after school.


  • I hated bullies.
  • I hated those who laughed with the bullies and seemingly sided with them.
  • I hoped something terrible would happen to the bullies!


John attempted to address hatred. But he did it in a different way. He explained that believers would be hated by the world so they should not be surprised. He then gives some great advice. Instead of returning evil for evil, show love.


My Observations:

  • JESUS was hated by the world, even though HE created them.
  • JESUS allowed HIMSELF to be murdered so HE could be raised from the dead and become the forgiver of all sins.
  • HIS act of love should make me want to show love to those who are kind and those who hate me.


It is not easy showing love to those who insult, slander or persecute. I mean, the world seems to get more and more coldhearted to those in need as if he or she were the problem. And if the person in need speaks about CHRIST, then more hate labels are placed on the believer. BUT GOD has a remedy for persecution.


HE knew that showing the love of CHRIST would cause some people to mislabel HIS followers. HE said “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” This statement says that just because you and I show love, we will be persecuted by the world, but GOD will bless those who show love. I am glad GOD sees.



  • Why does the writer say “do not be surprised?”
  • Have you ever done something innocent and received anger, frustration and repercussion?
  • Will you continue to show GOD’s love, expecting the world to respond in a hateful way, so you will not be surprised, and so your actions will speak louder than your words today?

Friday, March 22, 2024

Entrance Plan

Entrance Plan

1 John 3: 11 The message you heard from the very beginning is this: we must love one another. 12 We must not be like Cain; he belonged to the Evil One and murdered his own brother Abel. Why did Cain murder him? Because the things he himself did were wrong, and the things his brother did were right.




After a colleague was “reduced” from the workforce, I felt enraged. Me and another peer decided to meet with the leader of the organization. We prepared for the meeting by discussing how outraged we were, as if we were putting on combat gear. The meeting kept getting moved, but when we had it, we lit into the leader.


  • I was preparing to be heard, not to hear.
  • I was furious and all I could think about was rage.
  • I did not have any room in my heart for the leader we met with.


John took everyone back to the foundational action all believers in CHRIST should have, namely “love one another.” He gave the first example of hatred by showing how Cain despised Abel’s “right” actions. He explained that Cain was so consumed with hatred, that he murdered his brother. John may have written this to ward off any feelings of hatred the persecuted people may have had.


My Observations:

  • GOD gave the commandment to “love one another” because HE is love.
  • When I take love into places where war is expected, better things happen.
  • GOD’s love is the only cure for the hatred that seems to be spreading more rapidly than usual.


Being enraged can cause me permanent damage. I mean, when I get so mad at this person or that person, I am willing to cut him or her off from GOD’s message of love. This requires that I examine my heart, because if I don’t want everyone to believe in CHRIST, I may not be on HIS side.


GOD wants everyone redeemed, even those who may have wronged you and me. HIS grace far exceeds any that you and I can imagine. HE loves those who hate people. HIS grace can cover a multitude of sins. I am glad GOD has provided an entrance plan to address arguments, namely love one another.



  • Why do you think the writer used Cain as the example?
  • Have you ever been so enraged that you did not think of your words or actions which may have been hatred?
  • Instead or preparing for combat, can you take love into your conversations?
  • Will you examine your heart and your words to see if there is any slander, prejudice, judgment or even hatred so you can give them to GOD for HIM to cleanse your heart today?

Thursday, March 21, 2024

In the Family

In the Family

1 John 3: Those who are children of God do not continue to sin, for God's very nature is in them; and because God is their Father, they cannot continue to sin. 10 Here is the clear difference between God's children and the Devil's children: those who do not do what is right or do not love others are not God's children.




After playing over a friend’s house I was invited to stay for dinner. Same thing happened at another house. Soon that blossomed into bowling, movies and other events.


  • I felt I was part of multiple families.
  • I felt I belonged.
  • I felt I could hear when I was corrected by my adopted parents.


John compares two families, GOD’s versus the Devil’s. He gives the criteria for being in GOD’s family first. He says that GOD place HIS very nature inside HIS children. On the other hand, he mentions that those who do not love other people and who do not do what is right are the Devil’s children.


My Observations:

  • It is valuable to be in GOD’s family.
  • GOD’s family gives me joy and peace that are in abundant supply.
  • GOD guides me because HE wants me to act like JESUS, who was the ultimate example of love.


Being part of a true loving family feels great! I mean, realizing that GOD loves me and wants the best for me really makes me want to do what is right in HIS eyes. Unfortunately, I don’t always want to remain in HIS family.


I run away, thinking “I” know what is best for me. Then I face difficulties and have no where to turn. BUT GOD says to me “Turn from your wicked ways and I will hear you and heal your land.” I am glad HE always welcomes me back with open arms.



  • Why do you think the writer only gives two family types?
  • Have you ever felt part of an adopted family?
  • Will you join GOD’s family and follow the ways of JESUS so you can be sure you have a solid relationship HIM today?

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Repaired and Restored

Repaired and Restored

1 John 3: Let no one deceive you, my children! Whoever does what is right is righteous, just as Christ is righteous. Whoever continues to sin belongs to the Devil, because the Devil has sinned from the very beginning. The Son of God appeared for this very reason, to destroy what the Devil had done.




Walking up to my car, I noticed I could see in one window better than others. As I walked a little closer, I reasoned that I must have left the window down. But when I reached the car, I found my window had been broken out and my tapes were stolen. Yes, I said tapes.


  • I wondered why did this happen to “me?”
  • I felt a sense of loss that I could not reconcile, so I became angry.
  • I had spent years collecting the right music for my moods and now they were all gone!


John makes an implied appeal to stay firm in doing what is right according to the LORD. He gave a strong reason, namely the Devil came to steal GOD’s people away from HIM. John explains that JESUS appeared specifically to repair what Satan broke and restore humanity.


My Observations:

  • At times, the difficulties in life cause me to lose my hope, BUT GOD knows what I go through and always provides a way.
  • Troubles in life are placed in front of me and I have to make a choice to continue to serve GOD or fall to my own sins.
  • JESUS knew I would choose sin, BUT HE died for me anyway and gave me a way to live forever, in spite of my sins.


Being repaired and restored is exciting! I mean, when something that is damaged or stolen is repaired or returned, it is exciting to be the benefactor. Unfortunately, we have an adversary who will not give up as easily. He will keep trying to make you and me lose hope in CHRIST. But there is hope.


JESUS sent the HOLY SPIRIT to live inside me so I would not lose hope. HE opens my eyes to see beyond the trouble of the day, so I can keep doing “what is right” for GOD. CHRIST did not die so mankind would be weak, sick and hurt, rather HE was raised from the dead to repair and restore you and me. I am grateful for HIS love!



  • What deception could the writer be talking about?
  • Have you ever been tempted to lose hope in JESUS and follow the recommendations of the world?
  • Will you keep doing “what is right” as GOD has laid out HIS plan to you so you will remain in union with HIM today and forever?

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Given Another Way

Given Another Way

1 John 3: Whoever sins is guilty of breaking God's law, because sin is a breaking of the law. You know that Christ appeared in order to take away sins,  and that there is no sin in him. So everyone who lives in union with Christ does not continue to sin; but whoever continues to sin has never seen him or known him.




Going on a trip, I set the GPS to provide directions. But when the request to hear a song from another device came up, I switched over and connected to the passenger’s phone. We drove and drove and after a while I questioned why I wasn’t hearing directions. I looked at the GPS and it kept saying “Turn around.” We had driven twenty-five miles in the wrong direction.


  • I could not hear which direction I should go.
  • I needed to be on a different path, but had no way to hear what path I should be traveling.
  • There was something that could get me back on the right path when I realized I was going in the wrong direction.


At first glance, it sounds like John is about to get harsh. But he is speaking to believers of JESUS, trying to encourage them. He attempts to let them know that JESUS is the only forgiver of sins. John had written earlier in the letter “But if anybody does sin”, knowing humans will sin. He points out that those in union with CHRIST always have a way back to HIM.


My Observations:

  • All human made roads lead to death, BUT GOD made a way back to HIM, through CHRIST our LORD and Savior.
  • My past, present and future sins are forgiven by JESUS, but those who choose to not believe in HIM will remain in their sins.
  • Declaring there are other ways to GOD’s grace, does not mean the declaration is true and without consequence.


“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death” is a scary Proverb to me. I mean, sometimes I really, really think I am headed in the right direction by trying to fit into what the world has to offer. Things seem to “go right” for me amongst humans, meanwhile GOD is constantly trying to say to me, “you are on the wrong path.” HE has a remedy.


JESUS placed the HOLY SPIRIT inside me to let me know when I am headed on the wrong path. HE gently tells me to “turn around” and “follow JESUS’s ways.” HE also begs for my forgiveness because there is no sin in GOD. I am so grateful for CHRIST who loves you and  me dearly.



  • What logic is the writer trying to address?
  • Have you ever done something that seemed right to you but was very wrong?
  • Will you allow GOD to put you on HIS path so you can go in the successful direction HE has laid out for you?

Monday, March 18, 2024

Immeasurable Love


Immeasurable Love

1 John 3: See how much the Father has loved us! His love is so great that we are called God's children—and so, in fact, we are. This is why the world does not know us: it has not known God. My dear friends, we are now God's children, but it is not yet clear what we shall become. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he really is. Everyone who has this hope in Christ keeps himself pure, just as Christ is pure.




Teased about my hair, clothes, body size and lack of money, I felt unlovable. There were enough people telling me about what was wrong with me, that soon I wondered if I could ever be “fixed.” “GOD loves you, just as you are” were the words that resonated with me.


  • I was relieved that I could be loved.
  • I did not feel I could be loved until I understood what real love looked like.
  • After being rejected by the world, it felt great to be part of a family.


John gets excited about telling about GOD’s love. He implies that GOD’s love is so great, that HE can forgive sins and repair broken people by placing them in HIS family. We are then called HIS children.


My Observations:

  • GOD’s love is greater than any human love.
  • GOD’s love is so great that HE wiped away my sins even though I did nothing to deserve HIS grace.
  • GOD’s love is the foundation for human love, because the world’s idea of love is tainted.


Measurable love falls short of GOD’s love. I mean, when I say “Remember the time I did…” I am measuring and this falls short of the type of love I really need. GOD’s love is much different. HE saw that I was in trouble and the only way out of my trouble was to die to let me live.


JESUS thought nothing of making HIMSELF a human to feel every pain I feel. HE felt the pain of rejection and was murdered, just for me. When HE rose from the dead HE forgave me and adopted me in HIS family., I am glad GOD is not finished with me, but is making me into something great like JESUS.



  • What is the writer so excited about?
  • Have you ever felt like you do not quite fit in this place or that place?
  • Will you accept JESUS as your personal Savior, so you can be adopted into HIS family and experience immeasurable love today?

Friday, March 15, 2024

Full of Courage

Full of Courage

1 John 2: 28 Yes, my children, remain in union with him, so that when he appears we may be full of courage and need not hide in shame from him on the Day he comes. 29 You know that Christ is righteous; you should know, then, that everyone who does what is right is God's child.




Having told the lie, I did not feel confident in answering any questions. I could be tripped up easily because I made up a convenient story that was not consistent with what I was doing at the time.


  • My mind raced as I tried to think of other lies to support the current lie.
  • Blame entered my mind as a possible way out of “my” current lie.
  • After a while, I gave up and said “lying is just too hard too hard to keep up.”


John wraps up his discussion about remaining in union with CHRIST. He implies that if we remain in union with JESUS, then when HE returns, we will not be ashamed, but full of courage.


My Observations:

  • Confidence comes from staying with GOD, even when things look terrible.
  • Assurance comes from following GOD instead of trying to create my own security blanket.
  • Courage comes from doing “what is right” as GOD has defined it, not humans.


Sin makes me question GOD’s love for me. I mean, when I sin and something goes terribly wrong, I wonder if it was the sin that caused the pain. Even though I know I am forgiven, I still feel unstable in my relationship with GOD when blatant sin is in the picture. GOD has another way.


HE is not placing extreme pressure on us to be perfect. In fact, HE knew we would not follow HIM, yet JESUS died for humanity anyway. But there are times when GOD sees when you and I do “what is right” and gets excited. I am glad GOD can use sinful people to do HIS marvelous works of love.



  • How does the writer try to make the message precious to everyone?
  • Have you ever questioned GOD’s love for you?
  • Wil you have courage in your relationship with GOD by doing “what is right” so HE can call you HIS child today?

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Who to Listen To

Who to Listen To

1 John 2: 26 I am writing this to you about those who are trying to deceive you. 27 But as for you, Christ has poured out his Spirit on you. As long as his Spirit remains in you, you do not need anyone to teach you. For his Spirit teaches you about everything, and what he teaches is true, not false. Obey the Spirit's teaching, then, and remain in union with Christ.




A thug snatched my glasses off and pushed me. Felling angry, my face immediately went to a frown. Things were going fast. People on the side wanted to see a fight so they shouted “What are you going to do about it?” to me. Some were laughing, others looked on with anger. We bumped shoulders and dared one another to strike the first blow. The crowd gathered around us. A teacher broke up the crowd and separated us.


  • I was angry and was listening to the voice of rage inside me.
  • I got more angry by listening to people who could care less about me, but wanted me to fight.
  • I was insecure and felt there was no other way out but to fight, because that is what the crowd expected.


John explains another reason for writing this letter. He may have been made aware of deceptive people who slipped into the group of believers of JESUS. These false teachers spoke against CHRIST and stirred up trouble with every word spoken. He provides security by pointing the believers to who they should listen to.


My Observations:

  • There is a voice in my head that sometimes aligns with GOD and sometimes it does not.
  • When I listen to the voice in my head that does not align with GOD’s word, I get myself in trouble.
  • People can deceive me because of his or her desire to get their own way, BUT the HOLY SPIRIT only speaks truth, so HE is who I should listen to.


Humans want to be GOD, and I am human. I mean, I want to be in control with my life and have things go “my” way. When something uncomfortable comes up, I want to be in control of making the discomfort go away, even if it means fighting, arguing or expressing rage! BUT GOD has another way.


JESUS sent the COMFORTER to live inside me. The HOLY SPIRIT is there to constantly be in touch with me, guiding me with what to say or do. This means I need to stay in touch with HIM and discern when the voice in my head is following what HE is saying. This requires reading GOD’s word and asking myself “Am I doing what it says?”  I am glad GOD is willing to guide me.



  • Does the writer imply that you can be out of union with CHRIST?
  • Have you ever said or done some things that are contrary to what is in the Bible?
  • Will you believe that the Bible is GOD’s inerrant Word that you can place all of your decisions through so you can be guided by the HOLY SPIRIT and remain in union with CHRIST today?

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Keep That Message

Keep That Message

1 John 2: 24 Be sure, then, to keep in your hearts the message you heard from the beginning. If you keep that message, then you will always live in union with the Son and the Father. 25 And this is what Christ himself promised to give us—eternal life.




On the way to the game, we shouted chants handed down from years past. It was something to see everyone dressed in the school colors When the players took the field, we shouted in excitement! But when the team started losing, our excitement died down. It went back up when we won the game!


  • For a while we got pretty quiet.
  • When it seemed like we were going to lose, we stopped chanting.
  • When our expectations of winning all the time were not being met, we quickly went into complain mode.


John tried to address the “fair weather fan” of JESUS. In other words, he tried to give encouragement to those who followed JESUS, but things were not going as well as they expected. They had given their lives over to CHRIST, only to be met with persecution from those who did not believe.


My Observations:

  • GOD’s message of love is that JESUS died for you and me to save us from eternal destruction that HE will enforce.
  • GOD’s message of love is to be spread to as many people as possible.
  • GOD’s message of love should transcend any problem I face or trouble I find.


Life can be difficult. I mean, there seems to always be something to worry about. Whether it is an ailment, finances or broken relationships, there always seems to be something difficult going on. Even the wealthiest people get sick and die. What chance do we have? GOD has a remedy.


HIS message of love and eternal life confounds those who seek answers form the world. JESUS loved us so much that HE was willing to die in our place. By keeping that message in my heart, I can look at the current situation and say , “I am loved!” I am so grateful to JESUS for this great message!



  • What does the writer want everyone to “be sure” of?
  • Have you ever lost heart about something?
  • Will you keep GOD’s message of love in your heart by returning to it regularly, on purpose, so you can face life’s difficulties with everlasting hope today?

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Problem Solver

Problem Solver

1 John2: 22 Who, then, is the liar? It is those who say that Jesus is not the Messiah. Such people are the Enemy of Christ—they reject both the Father and the Son. 23 For those who reject the Son reject also the Father; those who accept the Son have the Father also.




Admiring the rich and powerful, I took to listening to his or her words. I picked out a characteristic that seemed to be common about all of them. They seemed to be problem solvers. The bigger the problem, the more people they needed to follow them.


  • I followed people I thought would solve big problems.
  • I quickly stopped following people who were not problem solvers.
  • I wanted to solve big problems.


John compares those who believe in JESUS as the Messiah to those who do not. He does this by asking a rhetorical question “Who, then, is the liar?” He provides the answer given to him by the HOLY SPIRIT, stating that those who say JESUS is not the Messiah are liars. He also mentions that people who reject JESUS as the Messiah reject GOD.


My Observations:

  • Rich and powerful people may claim to be problem solvers, BUT JESUS is the only one who can solve every problem.
  • Humans have tried to solve problems for centuries, BUT GOD laughs at any attempt to do what HE does.
  • Problems, persecution and pain are current situations for many, BUT JESUS is the only one who can heal all situations.


Attempting to blind humans into thinking there is no problem is what the Enemy of CHRIST wants. I mean, what better way to keep people from getting his or her problem solved, than to make up multiple lies about “higher powers” or random “universe” occurrences or “relative truth?” GOD sees through it all.


JESUS volunteered to solve the ultimate problem, namely eternal death. What does this have to do with current life? Everything! Each day we have a choice, follow the way of the world or follow CHRIST. Each decision can contain pain or promise, thoughtlessness or thankfulness, grudge or grace. I am glad JESUS is my problem solver.



  • Why does the writer speak about “rejection?”
  • Have you ever placed your trust in humans who claim to have answers to big problems?
  • Will you place your trust in JESUS who is the Messiah, the Savior of the world, by accepting HIS love and become adopted into GOD’s true family today?

Monday, March 11, 2024

Able to Hear

Able to Hear

1 John 2: 20 But you have had the Holy Spirit poured out on you by Christ, and so all of you know the truth. 21 I write you, then, not because you do not know the truth; instead, it is because you do know it, and you also know that no lie ever comes from the truth.




“You are going to have fun” were the words I got excited over. Fun, at this point was amusement parks and games. But the fun described by this group was getting drunk, having sex and missing many classes.


  • Something inside me said “You shouldn’t go down this path” but I would not listen.
  • Something inside me said “There is another way” but I wanted to go the way “everyone else” went.
  • Something inside me said “What is being told to you is a lie” but I didn’t believe the warning.


John turns from speaking about those who follow the “Enemy of CHRIST” to those who truly follow HIM. He gives his reason for writing to this group, implying that it is because they could “hear the real truth.”  He may have also addressed uncertainty because the believers were being persecuted.


My Observations:

  • Today’s relative truth will get me in trouble, BUT GOD’s truth has always been a foundation I can count on.
  • Today’s strong belief in something outside of JESUS will make me fall, BUT JESUS is the Truth I can believe in without fail.
  • Today’s focus on self can cause me to not even want to listen to GOD, BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT opens the ears to my heart so I can hear.


Ability to hear GOD begins with wanting to hear HIM and knowing I need HIM. I mean, when I do not want to change or want to get my own way, I quickly listen to people who say what “I” want to hear. When I find myself in trouble, I may stay there or seek “true” help from GOD.


Humans think they have the answer, BUT JESUS provided the truth, because HE is the answer. HE sent the HOLY SPIRIT to those who believe in HIM and they can hear from GOD and adjust their lives. I am glad GOD is so generous and is willing to continue to pour out HIS SPIRIT on you and me.



  • How does the writer address uncertainty?
  • Have you ever done something wrong that you knew you should not be doing?
  • If you have sought after relative truth, will you seek the real truth by asking JESUS to come into your life and to pour out the HOLY SPIRIT on you today?

Friday, March 8, 2024

Stayed With

Stayed With

1John 2: 18 My children, the end is near! You were told that the Enemy of Christ would come; and now many enemies of Christ have already appeared, and so we know that the end is near. 19 These people really did not belong to our fellowship, and that is why they left us; if they had belonged to our fellowship, they would have stayed with us. But they left so that it might be clear that none of them really belonged to us.




Frustrated at the world around me, I wanted “everything” to change. I decided to explore the things I was told I should not do. When the world did not explode, I tried more and more. Soon, I stopped going to church and labeled “them” as hypocrites.


  • I could easily leave church without being missed.
  • I was gathering in a church for my own reason.
  • I wanted to be part of a group, but wanted to have “fun” so  I went to another group.


John reminds everyone about the teachings about the Enemy of CHRIST. He then stated that many enemies of CHRIST have appeared. This set of enemies pretended to love JESUS by saying HIS name, yet when persecution arose, the fake people left.


My Observations:

  • GOD knows that people who follow JESUS will be persecuted by those who do not believe.
  • Staying with GOD means I will do it through easy times and difficult times.
  • Facing difficulties with servants of GOD means I “belong” to HIM.


Saying “The end is near” to people who do not believe in CHRIST, sounds ridiculous. I mean, weren’t these words written thousands of years ago? Yes! The return of CHRIST has remained imminent since HIS resurrection. GOD took the focus off of the date of the return by not providing it.


HE wants us to “remain” in HIM and “abide” in HIS ways. Staying with GOD means I will not try to leave HIM when difficulties or persecution arise. It also means I will not leave other people who serve the LORD and are going through tough times too. I am glad GOD never leaves us.



  • Why do you think the writer mentions “the end is near?”
  • When times are difficult, do you want to leave GOD to find some relief somewhere else?
  • Will you stay with GOD and remain focused on HIS love, even when times are difficult?

Thursday, March 7, 2024

No Bribes Accepted

No Bribes Accepted

1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world or anything that belongs to the world. If you love the world, you do not love the Father. 16 Everything that belongs to the world—what the sinful self desires, what people see and want, and everything in this world that people are so proud of—none of this comes from the Father; it all comes from the world. 17 The world and everything in it that people desire is passing away; but those who do the will of God live forever.




Being teased about my tattered clothing got old. “One day I will have enough money to buy my own clothes” I muttered to myself. I got a job and made enough to buy the latest trend. I got another job and was able to buy more stuff and bigger things.


I admired where I had gotten to.. “Can you send out a message about GOD?” someone asked me. “No! I have a title that does not align to that sort of message.”


  • I found myself with no time to serve GOD.
  • I enjoyed the lavish vacations, large houses and immense amounts of money I was given.
  • I justified why I did not have time for GOD and figured HE would simply forgive me and I could live it up here on earth.


John attempted to open the spiritual eyes of those who follow JESUS. He took away any excuse by including “anything” and “everything” to his warning. He focused on some broad topics that included selfish desires, envy, jealousy, lust, and pride, of which do not come from GOD.


My Observations:

  • Satan attempted to bribe JESUS with food, power and money, BUT JESUS refused because HE had to die for the sins of all of humanity.
  • Satan wants you and me to not speak about GOD, or to view those who do in a negative way.
  • “Anything” and “everything” that keeps me from speaking about JESUS should not be a desire of mine.


Trying to save myself causes me to lose myself. I mean, when I try to acquire more of what the world has to offer, I end up losing my relationship with GOD. The scary thing is, GOD will allow me to walk away from HIS love, because HE does not want to force the relationship.


GOD has a desire that all humans become saved. HE wants you and me to proclaim the Good News about JESUS, who was resurrected to overcome the world. Houses, cars, clothes, jewelry, gadgets, titles and accomplishments will pass away. I am glad GOD’s love will last forever in my life.



  • Is the news from the writer extreme to you?
  • What would you keep if you, knowingly, would walk away from GOD by keeping it?
  • Will you turn your eyes to GOD and have HIM open up your heart to desire HIS will over yours today?

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Motive Foundation

Motive Foundation

1 John 2: 12 I write to you, my children, because your sins are forgiven for the sake of Christ. 13 I write to you, fathers, because you know him who has existed from the beginning. I write to you, young people, because you have defeated the Evil One.
14 I write to you, my children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you know him who has existed from the beginning. I write to you, young people, because you are strong; the word of God lives in you, and you have defeated the Evil One.




“Why did you do that?” was the question posed to me when I did something “bad.” “I don’t know” was my childish reply, hoping the answer would suffice. That answer never worked.


  • I did not know my motive was being questioned.
  • I was too insecure to own up to the fact that I simply wanted to do the “bad” thing.
  • After a while, I planned for my motives to be questioned by making sure I hid the “bad” things I was doing a little better.


John gently tells everyone why he wrote the letter. He was not trying to create authors of letters, rather he attempted to lift everyone up by providing a foundation to remain encouraged.


My Observations:

  • Our sins are forgiven because of JESUS.
  • It is an honor to know the one who existed from the beginning.
  • Those who follow JESUS are strong and the Word of GOD lives in us and we have defeated the Evil one.


“Why am I doing this?” is a question I have to ask myself regularly. I mean, only I know if my motive is steeped in insecure untruths, mixed in with the desire to get “my” way and only “my” way. BUT GOD sees the heart.


HE know when my motives are impure and when they are at their best. By believing in JESUS, my motives can be cleansed to align with GOD. Everything I do needs to be filtered through the question “LORD is this what YOU want me to do?” I am glad GOD is willing to guide my motives to serve HIM wholeheartedly.



  • Why do you think the writer repeats himself?
  • What words of encouragement do you trip over in this passage?
  • Will you accept the foundation of encouragement by giving GOD your motives and allow HIM to guide you to HIS way of doing things today?

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

In the Light

In the Light

1 John 2: If we say that we are in the light, yet hate others, we are in the darkness to this very hour. 10 If we love others, we live in the light, and so there is nothing in us that will cause someone else to sin. 11 But if we hate others, we are in the darkness; we walk in it and do not know where we are going, because the darkness has made us blind.




Walking down the dorm hallway, a guy stuck his head out and yelled out a racial slur directed solely at me. This caused me to react, however I was scrawny. I needed help. I found a my 300 pound friend to “help” me with this situation. We pounded on the room door until they opened it.


  • I had rage in my heart.
  • I had retaliation in my heart.
  • I wanted to fight to show people, you can’t do this to me or anyone else!


John does a masterful job at addressing hatred. He has been with JESUS and watched HIM love every race, age and gender. He saw love at its purest. He gives a reminder to self-examine in order to determine if there is hatred in wounded hearts.


My Observations:

  • GOD loves people that I don’t like.
  • GOD wants me to desire that all humans, even people I don’t like, go to heaven.
  • GOD sees any hatred I may harbor in my heart, even if someone has cause me pain through his or her hatred.


Hatred brings on more hatred. I mean, when someone has performed an act of overt or passive hatred, I store it in my mind and plan my retaliation. This has never, ever worked! GOD wants me to “chose” a different way.


JESUS created humans. They wanted an earthly king who sounded and acted like them. When they found someone who was generous, kind and broke, they could not believe HE was the Messiah that would save the entire world, so they killed HIM out of hatred. HE was raised from the dead out of love. I am glad JESUS is my example and reminder that hatred is a choice. I choose love.



  • What mindset is the writer trying to address?
  • Have you ever been hurt by a person and wanted to get back at their entire race, age or gender?
  • Will you examine your motives and see if there is even the smallest kernel of masked hatred so you can ask GOD to remove it and fill your heart with HIS love today?



Dear LORD, our world is filled with hatred for one another today. Please help this reader self-examine any hatred he or she may harbor towards even one person so love can enter the heart and YOUR forgiveness can enter. amen