Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Cure


The Cure

Romans 5: 16 And there is a difference between God's gift and the sin of one man. After the one sin, came the judgment of “Guilty”; but after so many sins, comes the undeserved gift of “Not guilty!” 17 It is true that through the sin of one man death began to rule because of that one man. But how much greater is the result of what was done by the one man, Jesus Christ! All who receive God's abundant grace and are freely put right with him will rule in life through Christ.




It was a long week, but it was finally over. I boarded the plane and took my normal restful seat by the window. The flight was full so the middle seat was occupied next to me. The guy coughed and sneezed most of the trip.


I tried staving off a cold by drinking extra orange juice, but to no avail. I caught the cold. When I got home, I tried to stay away from the family, but they too caught the same cold. And probably many other kids at their school.


  • I can remember when one person infected me with a cold or flu.
  • I can remember when one person infected me with temptation.
  • I can remember when one person infected me with rage, anger, doubt or fear.


Paul explains that Adam’s one tiny sinful act caused a disease amongst humans that was not supposed to be there. Any offspring he had would be born into sin and deserve death. This pandemic needed a cure.


  • JESUS knew that I was born into sin and deserved death.
  • JESUS knew that I would commit sin all my life and would never choose HIM.
  • JESUS knew HE was the cure, so HE died for me and gave me a transfusion with HIS shed blood.


Sin is a disease that cannot be cured by a sinful human. Only a pure human’s blood could provide the right transfusion to erase all sin. JESUS became a human and was murdered for being innocent. HE did not sin, even though HE faced greater temptation than any human.


HIS bloody death on the cross was enough to erase all sins to those who receive HIS love. HIS grace was truly sufficient. HE provided the vaccination, namely to believe in HIS cure for death. I believe in JESUS and the sin of one man, or especially my sin, has no effect on me.


  • Are you struggling with the “good” versus “evil” thinking?
  • Are you weary because you cannot be “good” enough to please GOD?
  • Will you stop looking at GOD through diseased, sinful lenses and know HE provided a cure for your sin by believing that JESUS took care of your sin today and forever?

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