Friday, April 8, 2022

Healing Brokenness Plan

Healing Brokenness Plan

Ephesians 1: In all his wisdom and insight God did what he had purposed, and made known to us the secret plan he had already decided to complete by means of Christ. 10 This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head.




Plans are wonderful to me! I love getting a plan from people who have been where I am trying to go. I can get the steps, follow them and celebrate when I make it to the destination.


  • Plans make it easier for me to keep going when things seem to be going wrong.
  • I feel more confident when I am following a plan.
  • Some of the steps of many plans did not make sense until the entire plan unfolded.


Paul talks about GOD’s “secret plan.” He explains that one part of the plan as been revealed to humanity, namely JESUS died for the sins of the world. What looked like a FATHER punishing HIS SON for being perfect turned out to be only part of the story. The true plan was to “bring all creation together”  with CHRIST as head.


My Observations

  • GOD saw my brokenness and decided to do something about it.
  • JESUS volunteered HIS life to heal me forever.
  • All of creation waits on the rest of GOD’s plan which includes placing everything under JESUS.


This plan is amazing! I mean, it shows unimaginable love for a creation who turns its back to the creator at a moment’s notice. GOD could not depend on our faith, so HE devised a plan to redeem broken, lost humans through JESUS. JESUS volunteered to lose everything and in the process, gained everything.


One part of the plan is still in motion. One day JESUS will return and everything that is broken will be healed under HIM. All questions about “Why did GOD do this in the first place?” will be answered. Until then, I gladly accept the incredible love HE has shown for me.



  • Does the plan the writer speaks of, make you nervous or excited?
  • What part of your actions do you see in this plan?
  • If you are trying too hard to please GOD, will you accept that HIS plan includes your life and will not fail, because HE has already given everything to JESUS whom you believe in?

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