Monday, June 20, 2022

Directed Desires

Directed Desires

Philippians 1: I pray that your love will keep on growing more and more, together with true knowledge and perfect judgment, 10 so that you will be able to choose what is best. Then you will be free from all impurity and blame on the Day of Christ. 11 Your lives will be filled with the truly good qualities which only Jesus Christ can produce, for the glory and praise of God.




“Become well rounded” was the confusing statement said to me. What does that mean? I pondered. To some it meant reading certain prose, to others it meant traveling to various places and to others it meant interacting with a variety of people. But something was missing from the approaches when I tried them.


  • I wanted to fit in.
  • I wanted to protect myself.
  • I wanted to “get ahead” and “be successful.”


Paul’s prayer for everyone concludes with a statement on becoming “well rounded” in a very strange way. Love is the foundation coupled with true knowledge, coupled with perfect judgment. Humans can try to claim these important gifts, but they only can come from one place, namely JESUS CHRIST.


My Observations

  • To keep my hatred at bay, I must grow in the love of JESUS.
  • To keep my thoughts aligned, I must learn about my Savior.
  • To keep my lustful, sinful decisions to a minimum, I must use the judgment of CHRIST, which is perfect.


Following humans seems to lead to a person or group being superior. I mean, many discussions about how someone did something wrong and that other person did something right, makes us try to emulate who we want to follow. BUT GOD wants HIS SON to be the focus of the picture.


All of my choices should be run through three filters, love, true knowledge and perfect judgment, none of which I, or any other human contain. Only JESUS has love that is pure and knowledge that is not tainted and judgment that is perfect. HIS example is the model for me to follow. I am glad HE keeps me growing “more and more” each day.



  • How does the writer suggest approaching decisions?
  • Have you ever looked back at times you did not use the best judgment?
  • Will you keep growing in GOD’s “love” for other people and seek learning about HIM and use HIS judgment which is made perfect through JESUS CHRIST today?

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