Friday, July 23, 2021



1 Corinthians 9: 19 I am a free man, nobody's slave; but I make myself everybody's slave in order to win as many people as possible. 20 While working with the Jews, I live like a Jew in order to win them; and even though I myself am not subject to the Law of Moses, I live as though I were when working with those who are, in order to win them. 21 In the same way, when working with Gentiles, I live like a Gentile, outside the Jewish Law, in order to win Gentiles. This does not mean that I don't obey God's law; I am really under Christ's law. 22 Among the weak in faith I become weak like one of them, in order to win them. So I become all things to all people, that I may save some of them by whatever means are possible.




Seeing what was wrong was part of my job. I was taught to spot broken operations and unsanitary conditions. On the missions trip, all of my training went out the window. I was in a place that had no sink and a makeshift stove for cooking. Guess who had to adapt.


  • There have been times when I needed to become flexible in my beliefs.
  • There have been times when I needed to do things a little differently because of where I was at.
  • There have been times when I needed to become versatile as a good example to others.


Paul explains that he uses his freedom to serve people for JESUS. He shows flexibility within the confines of obeying GOD’s law. He knew his salvation was solid, so with the Jews he was careful to obey the Laws of Moses. With the Gentiles, he did not observe the Law because they were not taught. He was versatile to win people for CHRIST.


  • GOD wants me to be flexible versus being a people pleaser.
  • GOD wants me to reduce my thinking of how things should be so I can win a variety of people for HIM.
  • GOD wants me to be able to speak to as many people as possible about JESUS, so I must learn to be versatile.


Being versatile does not mean I have to become something I am not. I mean, I still have to obey GOD and love HIS people, so joining a hate group would be out of the question. But what about the many ways people justify their sin by belonging to groups where the sin is accepted? GOD has the answer. Love “them” as part of “us.”


The main goal is to win people over for CHRIST, not win arguments on how people should live their lives. The HOLY SPIRIT is the one who is the guide. I am grateful GOD has given me the task of being a seed planter.


  • Are you trying to make someone live as you do?
  • Do you feel people are not following GOD correctly?
  • Will you become more versatile so you can win more people to CHRIST today?

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