Monday, May 16, 2022

Made Specific

Made Specific

Ephesians 4: 16 Under his control all the different parts of the body fit together, and the whole body is held together by every joint with which it is provided. So when each separate part works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love.




Waking up slightly later than usual, I realized I had to catch a flight. I rushed out the house and sped to the airport. To my dismay, the traffic getting into the parking garage was fierce. I ran to the gate only to watch the plane pull away. I was supposed to present my part to a client that afternoon in another city.


  • I was not available to present my part.
  • I was part of a team and I had a specific role.
  • I did not do my part as I should have.


Under the control of JESUS, Paul explains that each person has a specific role to play. HE made each person different to play a specific role in the whole body.


My Observations

  • GOD wants me to surrender my life so HE can be in control.
  • GOD made me specifically to grow the body.
  • GOD wants me to do my part to build the body up in HIS love.


Human love is incomplete. I mean, one person has a tiny piece of love, but not the totality. Under the control of JESUS, we are put together as one single body. Each person has a specific role to play in HIS love.


Every action placed under HIS control has a purpose that HE uses to draw HIS kingdom together. HE knows where the missing pieces fit and each piece is just as important as the next. I am grateful GOD made me to be part of HIS family and has given me a specific purpose.



  • What concern is the writer addressing?
  • Do you feel alone or feel as if you are not quite fitting in?
  • Will you enjoy the fact that GOD made you for a specific role and needs you to do your part so HE can reach those who HE will draw to HIMSELF through you today?

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