Tuesday, May 3, 2022

With All Confidence


With All Confidence

Ephesians 3: God, who is the Creator of all things, kept his secret hidden through all the past ages, 10 in order that at the present time, by means of the church, the angelic rulers and powers in the heavenly world might learn of his wisdom in all its different forms. 11 God did this according to his eternal purpose, which he achieved through Christ Jesus our Lord. 12 In union with Christ and through our faith in him we have the boldness to go into God's presence with all confidence. 13 I beg you, then, not to be discouraged because I am suffering for you; it is all for your benefit.




Evaluating what I had done on the previous day, I could not think of a specific “sin” that warranted this type of disaster. Everything had gone wrong this particular day and I asked GOD, “What’s going on?” in a “Why me” sort of fashion.


  • I thought I could control GOD by sinning less.
  • I thought my sins would get a reaction out of GOD, causing HIM to punish me.
  • I thought I was the cause of the disaster because maybe I overlooked a sin.


GOD’s plan was immense and hidden until JESUS was revealed. Paul wrote about this huge plan that was laid out and executed by GOD. Redemption happened through JESUS, making the impossible, possible. Sin could no longer stop anyone from going into GOD’s presence to ask for anything and to be forgiven.


My Observations

  • GOD’s power is far greater than I can something “I” can harness.
  • GOD’s wisdom is manifested in many forms I can see daily.
  • GOD’s purpose cannot be stopped, even by some sins I do or not do.


Thinking I am in control of GOD makes me lose my confidence. I mean, When I want things to go a specific way, I may try to act “good” during the period of time I am seeking my desire. Unfortunately, if I get what I want, I sometimes forget that the blessing came from GOD and return to sinful ways.


BUT GOD saw this fickle behavior and added it to HIS plan, HE knew HE needed something fool proof. Redemption needed to be permanent and indestructible. When JESUS was raised from the dead, HE opened the door to the FATHER to anyone who will walk in. I am glad I can confidently go to the FATHER because of what JESUS did for me.



  • Who is the focus of the writer?
  • Have you ever been discouraged, thinking you were the problem?
  • Will you praise GOD for HIS eternal purpose and walk into HIS presence because JESUS made a way to HIM for you?



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