Monday, February 13, 2023

It Comes Out


It Comes Out

1 Timothy 5: 23 Do not drink water only, but take a little wine to help your digestion, since you are sick so often.


24 The sins of some people are plain to see, and their sins go ahead of them to judgment; but the sins of others are seen only later. 25 In the same way good deeds are plainly seen, and even those that are not so plain cannot be hidden.




Sneaking off from work seemed like a good idea. Others were doing it so I decided to try it. I went to my apartment and played cards until it was time to go punch out. It worked! Soon I made a habit. I even made plans during work. I wen home and cooked dinner. When I went to punch out, my supervisor asked. “Where were you and why do you smell like cooked food?”


  • I had gotten caught and I was embarrassed.
  • I disappointed my boss who believed in me.
  • I took for granted something I was supposed to be doing, and my hidden plans became exposed.


Paul turns from mentoring Timothy to encouraging him. He first expressed concern over Timothy’s health. He then gives some encouragement to Timothy, who may have been frustrated that the people he was leading were missing the value in his servanthood. He let Timothy know that even the smallest, hidden good deed will be seen.


My Observations

  • My hidden sin tends to make itself known at an inconvenient time.
  • JESUS forgave me for all my sins, hidden and plain to see.
  • It is more satisfying to live with a clear conscience and do good deeds for the LORD, than to keep hiding things in my heart that get me deeper and deeper into trouble.


Hidden things come out. I mean, the thing that I think I can hide and take to my grave is probably the thing that will hurt the most because GOD has to reveal it. “Well, HE forgives me, right?” Yes, but it may still have pain and at some point I got tired of causing my own pain and blaming it on everyone else or circumstances.


GOD sees my heart and wants me to ask HIM to live inside. HE then prompts me to do “good deeds” that serve HIS purpose of bringing people back to HIM. HE sees the tiniest hidden good deed and also shows HIS gratitude in ways that are amazing! I am so glad GOD cares and sees all good deeds.



  • Can you feel the care from the writer?
  • Have you ever done a hidden sin and think it will never come out?
  • Will you confess your sins to GOD, including the sneaky, bitter, hateful things, so HE can be faithful and just to forgive you of those sins and cleanse you of all unrighteousness today?
  • Will you also start doing “good deeds” that are pleasing to the LORD today?



Dear LORD, you know my deepest hidden sins. Please forgive me. YOU also know the deepest hidden sins of this reader. Make him or her able to confess to YOU these sins so YOU will forgive and cleanse. Please also fill his or her heart with YOUR good deeds today. amen

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