Monday, August 21, 2023

Becoming Strong

Becoming Strong

Hebrews 11: 32 Should I go on? There isn't enough time for me to speak of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. 33 Through faith they fought whole countries and won. They did what was right and received what God had promised. They shut the mouths of lions, 34 put out fierce fires, escaped being killed by the sword. They were weak, but became strong; they were mighty in battle and defeated the armies of foreigners. 35 Through faith women received their dead relatives raised back to life.




“You need some help?” was the welcome question that was posed to me. “Yes!” I quickly replied to the strangers who saw me struggling to move my furniture in by myself. What was taking me hours took minutes. I had no pay, but I said “Thank you!”


  • I thought I could do this myself.
  • I thought I did not need anyone, but I did.
  • I thought I was strong enough, but really I was weak.


Paul, the assumed writer, had just presented a list of various types of faith examples. He then mentions something they all had in common, namely they were weak. None of the people mentioned, set out to accomplish anything, rather, they were used by GOD in an extraordinary way and were labeled as strong.


My Observations:

  • Strength in GOD means I do ordinary things and HE does something extraordinary with it.
  • GOD simply wants me to stay focused on HIM and allow HIM to show HIS strength.
  • I have to recognize and appreciate how weak I am in order to gain the strength I need from GOD.


For when I am weak, then I am strong. I mean, when I recognize I need GOD and the people HE sends, then I can get strong. Human strength and bring on human results, which sometimes look tempting. I can remain in control when I do things with human effort. It makes me feel better, but the results won’t have GOD’s blessings, which makes any result poor.


When I include GOD in my plans and recognize it will only take HIS power to move the mountain, then I get a supernatural result that I cannot explain. My weak effort becomes something amazing that can only be attributed to GOD. I am glad to say I am weak, therefore I can get strong through faith in GOD.



  • Can you imagine a time when the people the writer lists, were weak?
  • Have you ever felt frustrated, overwhelmed or exhausted and wanted help from GOD?
  • Will you recognize you are weak and need GOD to provide HIS strength in all your plans so HE can make them effective, HIS way and HIS time?

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