Monday, August 7, 2023

Facing Forward


Facing Forward

Hebrews 11: 13 It was in faith that all these persons died. They did not receive the things God had promised, but from a long way off they saw them and welcomed them, and admitted openly that they were foreigners and refugees on earth. 14 Those who say such things make it clear that they are looking for a country of their own. 15 They did not keep thinking about the country they had left; if they had, they would have had the chance to return. 16 Instead, it was a better country they longed for, the heavenly country. And so God is not ashamed for them to call him their God, because he has prepared a city for them.




As I dug through a box of stuff, I found trophies, ribbons and paper awards from a previous job. “All of these achievements and I am out of work!” I said with anger. More and more thoughts played through my mind that day. I got nothing done.


  • I loved the kingdom “I” had built for myself.
  • I thought I had already “achieved” the most that I could.
  • I did not consider that there could possibly be anything better than the past.


Paul, the assumed writer, summarizes his first list of faith examples. He implied that these people did things in faith of a promise by GOD, never once hoping for the old way. They stopped looking for a better place here on earth, to seek a better relationship with GOD.


My Observations:

  • GOD heals me from past wounds so I can look forward to HIS kingdom.
  • GOD opens my eyes to HIS promises, so I can keep moving forward, away from the old.
  • GOD renews my strength by showing me there is a better place ahead.


Looking forward is scary sometimes. I mean, the future sometimes does not have any answers, but a lot of questions. When I begin to ask questions, I get nervous and want to run back to the past where it was comfortable. BUT GOD has something else in mind.


HE wants me to leave the past kingdom with a definitive “thanks.” I can say to HIM “Thank YOU for what YOU have done!” and move on. I can then say “Thank YOU for what YOU are going to do”, not knowing if I will receive HIS promise or not. I am glad HE puts me on a new path and always keeps HIS promise.



  • What did the people in the writer’s example long for?
  • Have you ever started something and someone else finished it?
  • Will you say “Thank You” for the past and move on to facing  forward so you can allow GOD to place you on HIS path to HIS promise in HIS timing today?

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