Monday, April 15, 2024

Not Despised

Not Despised

2 John 1:From the Elder—

To the dear Lady and to her children, whom I truly love. And I am not the only one, but all who know the truth love you, because the truth remains in us and will be with us forever.

May God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, give us grace, mercy, and peace; may they be ours in truth and love.




At first I felt guilty for not going to church. But I had a good reason for not going. I was working the late shift at the bowling alley and I could not make it to church that early. Soon, I got used to not going. After a while, I complained about churches. “’They’ stay there too long and sing songs that only ’they’ can understand and ’they’ are after ‘my’ money and ’they’ act phony!


·         I developed a cynical view of church on my own.

·         I had a view of “church” that did not include the world.

·         I had no love for the church, but I had plenty of complaints.


John begins his second letter with excitement and love. He explained that there are others who love believers in JESUS as the Savior. He then explains that the truth remains in those who love those who love the LORD. He then said a prayer that GOD grant grace, mercy, peace, truth and love.


My Observations:

·         My complaints about imperfect people showed my lack of character and my flaws.

·         GOD desires that I meet with other imperfect people to love them, just as HE loved me.

·         GOD’s love is pure and is not like human flawed love.


Complaining about the people GOD loves will get me in trouble. I mean, when I follow the world’s ways, I see believers as people who are in the way and who’s love is strange and not enough. BUT GOD has a cure for that type of thinking, namely surrender.


When I surrender my thinking and my life to GOD, I can see the world differently. I see it with HIS love. No power can come up against GOD as HE protects HIS “children” from the Evil One. HE places the truth in those who seek HIS SON as the Savior and guides them to HIS love. I am glad GOD loves you and me.



·         Can you feel the love from the writer?

·         Have you ever complained about “church goers” or someone with a title who represents “church?”

·         Will you examine your heart to see if you have the smallest degree of despising the church, so you can ask GOD to open your eyes to HIS love, namely JESUS today?



Dear LORD please grant this reader with grace, mercy, peace, truth and love this day! amen

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