Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Spiritual Exercise

Spiritual Exercise

1 Timothy 4: If you give these instructions to the believers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, as you feed yourself spiritually on the words of faith and of the true teaching which you have followed. But keep away from those godless legends, which are not worth telling. Keep yourself in training for a godly life. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is valuable in every way, because it promises life both for the present and for the future. This is a true saying, to be completely accepted and believed. 10 We struggle and work hard, because we have placed our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all and especially of those who believe.




Tired of being a weakling, I joined a gym. I could barely lift any weight, so I stood around until I perceived people were not looking at me. “You need to work out with us” were the words I was surprised and horrified to hear. A group of powerlifters taught me the technique of lifting while introducing me to a regiment.


  • I was embarrassed, but had to start somewhere.
  • I was undisciplined and needed something to make me continue with a regiment.
  • I struggled and worked hard and eventually saw some results.


Paul gives Timothy a regiment to follow. He likened the regiment to that of physical exercise. He urged Timothy to feed his spirit regularly with faith and true teaching. He gave him a diet to stay away from certain unhealthy spiritual foods like “godless legends.” Then he give him the spiritual exercise routine, namely struggle and work hard.


My Observations

  • Spiritual exercise takes me through problem after problem after problem, until I can get strong enough to let GOD handle them.
  • Admitting I am weak in many areas gives me the prayers I can say to GOD to grow me.
  • My hope in GOD is strengthened after each trial is completed.


Spiritual workouts are difficult because I am not in control of the trials. BUT GOD has an answer. HE wants me to prepare for trials by feeding myself with HIS words of faith and truth. HE also wants me to focus on the present, knowing only HE can bring me through “this” trial or “that” one.


GOD wants me to grow up but this takes a regiment to keep my mind clear from things that would guide me away from HIS hope. HE allows trials to come into my life, not to break me, but to establish muscles of faith, truth and hope. I am glad GOD cares enough to grow me spiritually.



  • Why do you think the writer compares spiritual exercise to physical exercise?
  • Have you ever done something that took a regiment of discipline and got some benefit out of it?
  • Will you get on a regiment  that will benefit you in this present life and eternally by focusing in on GOD’s word and looking at trials as exercise to help you grow in the LORD today?

Monday, January 30, 2023

From the Heart


From the Heart

1 Timothy 4: The Spirit says clearly that some people will abandon the faith in later times; they will obey lying spirits and follow the teachings of demons. Such teachings are spread by deceitful liars, whose consciences are dead, as if burnt with a hot iron. Such people teach that it is wrong to marry and to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten, after a prayer of thanks, by those who are believers and have come to know the truth. Everything that God has created is good; nothing is to be rejected, but everything is to be received with a prayer of thanks, because the word of God and the prayer make it acceptable to God.




Sitting at the dinner table, we all said “grace” before we ate. This was an effort to instill in us to say thank you for the food. But when the food came out, I was all but thankful. As the conversation went on, I sat, not eating. Then when everyone got up, I took the food off my plate and hid it under a seat cushion. “I’ll throw that away later” I said to myself. I forgot, and someone sat on it.


  • I was not thankful.
  • I wanted something else, but got what I needed.
  • I went hungry instead of being filled.


Paul addressed a concern regarding false teaching. Some people had abandoned the faith and were susceptible to listening to lying demons. Marriage and eating certain types of food was being attacked and taught as a way of life. He explained that food was created by GOD and can be received with a heart of thanks, bot just words.


My Observations

  • My thankfulness can be felt by GOD.
  • Even the tiniest bit of thankfulness is pleasing and acceptable to GOD.
  • Receiving things should prompt me to have a spirit of thankfulness.


Sometimes it’s heard to be thankful. I mean, when I want that thing over there, but get this thing right here, I may be disappointed. BUT GOD wants me to have a different perspective. HE wants my heart to be ful of thankfulness for HIS creation, namely the people who give to me, versus the gift itself.


HE wants me also to see food as acceptable because HE made it.. My heart has to be able to give GOD thanks and HE will be pleased. I thank GOD for all HE provides.



  • What do you think the writer means by “people will abandon the faith in later times?”
  • Have you ever been worried about certain foods or marriage?
  • Will you be thankful for what GOD has given you and see the many gifts HE has poured out on you throughout your life, so you can praise HIM today?



Dear LORD, please forgive us for not seeing the many gifts YOU have given us. Thank YOU for all foods YOU provide. YOU make us whole so we can serve you with our whole heart. Thank YOU for blessing this reader. Make him or her whole. amen

Friday, January 27, 2023

Don’t Worry, It’s Witnessed

Don’t Worry, It’s Witnessed

1 Timothy 3: 14 As I write this letter to you, I hope to come and see you soon. 15 But if I delay, this letter will let you know how we should conduct ourselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth. 16 No one can deny how great is the secret of our religion:


He appeared in human form,
    was shown to be right by the Spirit,
    and was seen by angels.
He was preached among the nations,
    was believed in throughout the world,
    and was taken up to heaven.




Running into the group, I felt I needed to explain what I saw. “We saw it too” were the words given to me as if to say, “Don’t worry about trying to convince us.”


  • I thought I was going to have to prove what I saw.
  • I got myself ready to try to explain something that people would not believe.
  • I was relieved other people saw what I saw so there could be no denial of the truth.


Paul gives some assurance to Timothy that he would try his best to come there but if he couldn’t, this letter is all he needed. Paul also attempted to rest Timothy’s mind by letting him know that people, angels and GOD HIMSELF gave witness to JESUS who was taken up to heaven in front of many.


My Observations

  • JESUS appeared as a human to many people.
  • JESUS was announced as “right” by the SPIRIT.
  • JESUS was and is preached  throughout the world so I do not have to worry about proving it.


There is no need to “prove” GOD or what JESUS did for humanity. I mean, three were enough witnesses who saw HIS miracles, spoke about what happened and watched HIM be taken up to heaven. HIS words were powerful and permeates the soul to this very day.


No one can deny that “love one another” is the cure for all ills. Unfortunately, humans have a difficult time doing so. I am glad JESUS took care of that too. HE forgave me for all my sins and raises me up with HIM.



  • Who do you think the writer is speaking about?
  • Have you ever seen something that was amazing and hard to explain, yet had witnesses?
  • Will you rest assured that JESUS died for your sins and is now alive, forgiving you for all your sins, past present and future, today?

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Internal Bootcamp

Internal Bootcamp

1 Timothy 3: Church helpers must also have a good character and be sincere; they must not drink too much wine or be greedy for money; they should hold to the revealed truth of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They should be tested first, and then, if they pass the test, they are to serve. 11 Their wives (or Women helpers) also must be of good character and must not gossip; they must be sober and honest in everything. 12 A church helper must have only one wife,(or married once) and be able to manage his children and family well. 13 Those helpers who do their work well win for themselves a good standing and are able to speak boldly about their faith in Christ Jesus.




Seeing the issues management faced, I thought of things that could have been done better.  I voiced my suggestions, only to have them be met with “maybe later.” But then I was put into management and as the fires raced at me, someone had a suggestion that had nothing to do with my current blaze. “Maybe later” was my response.


  • I was not prepared for the problems.
  • I was not prepared for the responsibility.
  • I was not prepared for the issues that would suddenly arise while maintaining the day to day.


Paul gives Timothy a list to help people get prepared versus being judged or graded. Since no one was perfect and many people would fail the list, it was easier to point people towards areas to work on internally. If people were willing to do this, they would “do their work well.”


My Observations

  • GOD doesn’t need me to be perfect before I give my life to HIM.
  • I have to recognize that I am not perfect and I need to prepare for larger responsibilities.
  • Being prepared may take sincerity, good character, a sober mind, lack of greed, no gossip, honesty, family management and holding to the revealed truth of JESUS with faith.


Is this a long list? Yes! But I believe it is not a list for one to observe and judge a person on the worthiness of servanthood, rather “get ready!” Get ready for the things that the enemy will throw at you when you say “Yes” to GOD’s calling. The Devil will throw temptation after temptation after temptation and will not relent. Test yourselves in areas you can easily fall to be ready. I am glad GOD prepares you and me.



  • Are you prepared for the next level of service?
  • Have you faced the same temptations, issues or problems over and over?
  • Will you accept GOD’s calling to serve and become prepared so you can help others become prepared today?

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

An Excellent Work


An Excellent Work

1 Timothy 3: This is a true saying: If a man is eager to be a church leader, he desires an excellent work. A church leader must be without fault; he must have only one wife,[a] be sober, self-controlled, and orderly; he must welcome strangers in his home; he must be able to teach; he must not be a drunkard or a violent man, but gentle and peaceful; he must not love money; he must be able to manage his own family well and make his children obey him with all respect. For if a man does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of the church of God? He must be mature in the faith, so that he will not swell up with pride and be condemned, as the Devil was. He should be a man who is respected by the people outside the church, so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the Devil's trap.




Desiring to be the top leader in my field, at the company, I took steps to get the title. I went to leadership classes, speaking classes and refined the way I carried myself. I knew perception was important, so I hung out with the higher-ups as often as I could.


  • I never once thought leading a church would be more important than a corporate pursuit.
  • I judged preachers and pastors at a higher standard.
  • I wondered if preachers and pastors wanted to be “excellent.”


Paul gave Timothy a method of vetting out a church leader. He was probably addressing a problem with “motive.” He gave a list of qualities that would narrow down the list. He also gave a stern warning that required more observation, namely watching those who would not easily be swelled up with pride and those who loved their community so they would not fall into the Devil’s trap.


My Observations

  • Church leadership should not be taken lightly by me or anyone else.
  • My motives for leading should always be vetted out by the LORD.
  • Anyone can be tempted by the Devil with pride, money, violence, drunkenness and mismanagement of the family or community.


Desiring excellence for GOD may lead me to say, “maybe not me right now.” I mean if I am mismanaging my family or doing anything else on this list, I may not be the right fit for leading. BUT GOD has a plan for everyone.


HE does not look at titles the way humans do. JESUS is the only High Priest. HE allows some people to teach a group of people about our LORD and Savior JESUS, but the reward is the same, namely eternal life. Any crown earned here on earth will be casted at JESUS. I am glad GOD included me in HIS plan no matter the role.



  • What sticks out to you about this list and why?
  • Why do you think the writer was concerned enough to send a warning?
  • Will you seek to serve the LORD with the excellence you put into your other pursuits today?

Tuesday, January 24, 2023




1 Timothy 2: In every church service I want the men to pray, men who are dedicated to God and can lift up their hands in prayer without anger or argument. I also want the women to be modest and sensible about their clothes and to dress properly; not with fancy hair styles or with gold ornaments or pearls or expensive dresses, 10 but with good deeds, as is proper for women who claim to be religious. 11 Women should learn in silence and all humility. 12 I do not allow them to teach or to have authority over men; they must keep quiet. 13 For Adam was created first, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and broke God's law. 15 But a woman will be saved through having children ( or will be kept safe through childbirth. ), if she perseveres in faith and love and holiness, with modesty.




Ugh! This is a “He-hive!” I read these words and struggled to think of any example. Over the years, these words have been misused to cause pain and support inequality. After reading the words, one could go down a rabbit hole of misogynism  So I had to dissect them carefully to understand.


My Observations

Prayer, good deeds, and learning should be done by men and women.

Childbirth is a very difficult, stressful scary time that only women can experience.

Faith, love holiness with modesty should be done by men and women.


Paul writes to Timothy and is usually addressing specific issues. There may have been a situation where men were getting distracted to lust over women, causing marital problems, as best I can tell. An answer was to have the women teach each other.


As far as the curse, this is harder. GOD laid out a curse when Eve was deceived and disobeyed HIM. Paul reminded Timothy that the curse still stands in GOD’s eyes.


One would miss the solution if not reading with the right spirit, namely faith and love and holiness bring the relationship back into balance.



What are your observations about women from the writer?

What are your observations about men from the writer?

What do you know about the curse GOD placed on humanity in the Garden of Edan?

Should faith, love and holiness be performed by only one gender?

Will you accept the fact that men and women were created as equals and the only balance in equality is through surrendering your life to CHRIST with faith, love and holiness today?

Monday, January 23, 2023

Purpose Given

Purpose Given

1 Timothy 2: This is good and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to know the truth. For there is one God, and there is one who brings God and human beings together, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself to redeem the whole human race. That was the proof at the right time that God wants everyone to be saved, and that is why I was sent as an apostle and teacher of the Gentiles, to proclaim the message of faith and truth. I am not lying; I am telling the truth!




“Please take notes” were the words asked of me that I was insulted by. I had been invited to a meeting with the highest executives in the company and they only wanted me to take notes!? But after doing it for a while, I realized, I was learning about concerns that I never would have.


  • I admit, I did not like my purpose.
  • I wanted to “be” something other than someone else’s lacky.
  • I almost missed something huge by not wanting to start out small and learn.


Paul explained purpose. Not just his, but all humans. He explained that GOD “wants everyone to be saved and to come to know the truth.” JESUS took this purpose seriously and took on the sins of mankind to redeem the whole human race. He then proclaims that he too wants this as his purpose.


My Observations

  • Without understanding GOD’s desire, I cannot “be” what HE made me for.
  • I have to love what GOD loves in order to see the purpose HE made me for.
  • GOD’s purpose for me may be simpler than I would like it to be, but I may be missing a lesson that would grow me.


Wanting to “be” something else can get in the way of my purpose. I mean, wanting to be a celebrity, or have a different shape or to not be what I am can cause me to miss out on the purpose I have been given right here and now.


I may be given the opportunity to reach the person in front of me with the greatest message one could ever hear, namely JESUS died for you and me and is alive! Instead, I may grouse about my business or job or family state. GOD forgives me and fills me up to see HIS purpose and wants me to be thankful for being chosen to go out and seek HIS Kingdom.



  • What do you think is “good and pleasing” to the LORD as the writer puts it?
  • Have you ever wanted to take classes or read books on how to be a better you?
  • Be honest, do you like you?
  • Will you see yourself as GOD sees you and accept your purpose which is to save the lost today?



Dear LORD, thank you for giving this reader purpose. Help him or her accept YOUR purpose so abundant life can be given. amen

Friday, January 20, 2023

First Things First


First Things First

1 Timothy 2: First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, requests, and thanksgivings be offered to God for all people; for kings and all others who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceful life with all reverence toward God and with proper conduct. 




When the alarm sounded, I jumped out of bed with my mind racing! I calculated the time it would take to get to my destination so I showered, gathered my stuff and ran to the car. Unexpected traffic hit, so I listened to voicemail and responded to messages. Still stuck in traffic, I called into the meeting I was missing. Chaos and firefighting commenced throughout the day. I was exhausted that night.


  • My mind was racing all day.
  • I had not taken a moment to ease into the day.
  • I placed the worries of the day over speaking to the LORD.


Paul turns from encouraging Timothy to providing him with valuable instructions on how to lead a group of people in a collected time of worship. “First of all” Paul says, probably meaning this is the most important thing you can do. Speak to the LORD.


My Observations

  • Before I do anything, GOD wants me to speak to HIM.
  • Before I begin my day, GOD wants me to ask HIM , pray to HIM, request from HIM and thank HIM.
  • Before I start anything I do, GOD wants me to pray for those in authority, showing my willingness to agree with GOD’s appointment of authority so we can live in peace.


Prioritizing speaking to GOD is highly important. I mean, HE wants daily communication with me so I can be successful in all HE wants me to do. Unfortunately, I give in to the world’s pull and I focus on worry, or problems, or sickness or pain. My mind races without rest. BUT GOD gives me a way to have peace.


HE simply says “Give it to ME.” But how LORD? “Pray.” Prayer is the only thing that I can manufacture that can make it into heaven. My petition, prayer request and thanksgiving are heard and loved by the MOST HIGH! I am so glad GOD wants me to speak with HIM so HE can hear me and give us a “quiet and peaceful life.”



  • Why do you think the writer speaks about prayer first?
  • Have you ever ignored GOD and had a bad day, month, year or decade?
  • Will you place speaking to GOD first about your actions so HE will guide you and lead you to a quiet, peaceful life with all reverence toward HIM with proper conduct today?



Dear LORD, please bless this reader with full knowledge of YOUR plan today. Please guide those who YOU placed in authority to follow YOUR ways so we may have a quiet and peaceful life. We revere and honor you LORD to guide our conduct today. amen

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Conscience Choice

Conscience Choice

1 Timothy 1: 18 Timothy, my child, I entrust to you this command, which is in accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as weapons in order to fight well, 19 and keep your faith and a clear conscience. Some people have not listened to their conscience and have made a ruin of their faith. 20 Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have punished by handing them over to the power of Satan; this will teach them to stop their blasphemy.




Tired of being a “goody-goody”, I dabbled in some things I was taught to avoid. When I tried them out, nothing happened. I thought a bolt of lightning would hit me in the head, but I was able to “get away” with what I was doing. Though something inside me said “you shouldn’t be doing this” I ignored the words of heed. Soon I found my life in a mess.


  • I was on a path to destruction because I would not listen to my conscience.
  • I got practice at not listening to my conscience and became good at doing things that were not good for me.
  • My heart began to turn to stone as I did what I wanted to do.


Paul gave a pep talk to Timothy, who may have been experiencing worry over not being listened to as he preached about JESUS. Paul provides Timothy with a balanced approach which included a Godly prophecy, faith and a clear conscience. He taught Timothy to stand firm without harming people.


My Observations

  • GOD, the HOLY SPIRIT lives inside me to guide me to a better place.
  • I can choose to listen to the HOLY SPIRIT or ignore HIM.
  • I always, always do well when I listen to the HOLY SPIRIT.


Listening to GOD means surrender to my plans. I mean, when I want to do something that is contrary to GOD, I have a choice to listen to my conscience or not. Unfortunately, many times I have chosen to not listen and I found myself with bigger problems. BUT GOD understood.


HE corrected me, picked me up from the ashes and gave me a better path. HE provided for me a path to be able to stand firm against things that cause bigger problems. HE fights my spiritual battles and always wins. I am glad HE cares enough to speak to me and you.



  • What weapons do you think the writer is speaking of?
  • Have you ever been doubted because of your belief in JESUS?
  • Will you stand firm in your belief in JESUS and allow GOD to guide your thoughts so HE will fight your battles today?

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Full Patience

Full Patience

1 Timothy 1: 14 And our Lord poured out his abundant grace on me and gave me the faith and love which are ours in union with Christ Jesus. 15 This is a true saying, to be completely accepted and believed: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I am the worst of them, 16 but God was merciful to me in order that Christ Jesus might show his full patience in dealing with me, the worst of sinners, as an example for all those who would later believe in him and receive eternal life. 17 To the eternal King, immortal and invisible, the only God—to him be honor and glory forever and ever! Amen.




Stopped at a light, I decided to turn right on red. As I proceeded to turn I felt the car stop. The driving instructor had a separate braking system to keep me from danger. When I looked up, a car, that had the green light, passed through the intersection. He patiently said “Look both ways when turning right on red.”


  • I was about to make a huge mistake.
  • I needed correction and patience at the same time.
  • I had to accept that I did something wrong and patiently add this lesson to my skill.


Paul recognizes where his talents came from. He regretted his past life, but moved on to the life CHRIST gave him. He spoke about the LORD’s abundant grace, faith and love that is poured out even when we don’t have it for ourselves.


My Observations

  • Admitting I was and am a sinner enables me to be cleansed by JESUS, who is faithful and just.
  • Believing that I need CHRIST to forgive me and guide me daily, helps me not waste time on those who make me feel less than my calling.
  • Confessing my flaws to GOD the FATHER, is a privilege I have gained by having a relationship with JESUS.


Praise GOD! That had to be said. I mean, HE saw me, pitiful, sinning, scheming, weak and lonely; yet HE said “I want you.” “Why me?” I ask. Then it hit me, it’s because GOD wanted me.


HE is so full of grace, that HE can’t seem to contain  it. HE pours it out on me and the result is faith and love because of my union with CHRIST. I am so glad HE has full patience and grace for me and love for me and you!



  • Can you feel how fired up the writer is?
  • Have you ever felt like a failure because of the past?
  • Are you walking cautiously and not expressing GOD’s faith, nor HIS love?
  • Will you confess your doubt and believe that GOD has patience and called you to the most honorable task of speaking about JESUS, the eternal KING, today?



To the eternal KING, immortal and invisible, the only GOD --- to HIM be honor and glory forever and ever! Amen!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Thanks for the Appointment

Thanks for the Appointment

1 Timothy 1: 12 I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength for my work. I thank him for considering me worthy and appointing me to serve him, 13 even though in the past I spoke evil of him and persecuted and insulted him. But God was merciful to me because I did not yet have faith and so did not know what I was doing. 




Standing by the fence, I waited to be left out of the recess activity. One of the team captain’s chose me early, to my surprise. “Why me?” I thought to myself. I had no athletic ability. When it was my turn, the ball was rolled and I kicked it over the pitcher’s head! I made it on base and my team cheered! I didn’t know I had it in me.


  • I doubted “my” ability.
  • I would not have chosen me, so I would not expect anyone else to.
  • I had nothing to offer, or so I thought.


Paul starts praising GOD in the middle of his letter to Timothy. He confessed that he persecuted the church and insulted JESUS by doing so. Yet JESUS, appointed Paul to serve HIM. Paul did not know he had it in him.


My Observations

  • My doubts about myself do not change GOD’s mind about HIS appointment for me.
  • GOD sees me different than I see myself.
  • GOD has a special plan and an appointment made just for me.


“Who me?” Yes you! But what about “this sin” or “that sin?” you mas ask. GOD saw your sin and mine and still appoints us to HIS calling. HE is the one who provides strength to do HIS work through you and me. HE sees flaws and uses each one to grow a strong kingdom.


But there is one thing I must do first, namely confess. I am not worthy of serving the LORD and I have messed up over and over again. But that was before GOD gave me faith that HE has it under control I am HIS and HE is my GOD. I gladly accept HIS appointment for me with full gratitude!.



  • What is the writer thanking GOD for?
  • Have you ever doubted your abilities, yet GOD chose you to do something anyway?
  • Will you praise GOD for HIS appointment HE has for you to do a marvelous work in you and through you today?



Dear LORD, thank YOU for the appointment YOU have on my life and this reader’s life. Thank YOU for YOUR strength, not ours. Thank YOU for considering us worthy for such an important appointment LORD. We honor YOU, in JESUS name . amen

Monday, January 16, 2023

Hidden Teaching

Hidden Teaching

1 Timothy 1: We know that the Law is good if it is used as it should be used. It must be remembered, of course, that laws are made, not for good people, but for lawbreakers and criminals, for the godless and sinful, for those who are not religious or spiritual, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for the immoral, for sexual perverts, for kidnappers, for those who lie and give false testimony or who do anything else contrary to sound doctrine. 11 That teaching is found in the gospel that was entrusted to me to announce, the Good News from the glorious and blessed God.




Another wave of trials was hitting. People I knew were getting sick, bills mounted higher and higher and technology was failing. “What is going on!” I said to GOD. I thought maybe I wasn’t  being “good” enough, so I retraced my sinful steps so I could stop doing whatever I was doing.


  • I thought I could manipulate GOD into giving me what I wanted by following the Law.
  • I felt even worse when I could not keep the Law well.
  • I wondered if GOD was out to punish me for even the slightest mistake.


Paul gives Timothy a warning we can all heed. He tells everyone the difference of the Law versus the Gospel of JESUS. The Law tells us what we did wrong, while the Gospel of JESUS tells us we are forgiven.


My Observations

  • JESUS saved me from the consequence of sin.
  • JESUS saved me from the sins I do not know I commit.
  • JESUS saved me from eternal separation from HIS love so I can be with HIM forever.


It’s all about JESUS. I mean, when I think I can be “good” enough to change GOD’s mind and have HIM stop the trial, my fake righteousness smells like excrement to HIM. BUT GOD provided me with another way.


JESUS is the answer to all my situations. HE took care of all consequence of my sins, past, present and future. HE removed my sins as far as the east is from the west. HE delights in providing grace to me and showers me with peace and hope. I am glad the teaching of the Good News is no longer hidden, rather can be scattered to everyone HE sends me to.



  • What is the purpose of the Law according to the writer?
  • Have you ever been in trouble and tried to be good for a short period of time?
  • Will you let go of your life and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to guide you so you will stop trying to “feel” forgiven and simply know you ARE forgiven today?

Friday, January 13, 2023

Turning Back


Turning Back

1 Timothy 1: Some people have turned away from these and have lost their way in foolish discussions. They want to be teachers of God's law, but they do not understand their own words or the matters about which they speak with so much confidence.




Host drunken parties and have sex afterwards seemed like a great idea. But after a while, something seemed missing. My life still felt empty. I slowly started praying, but tried to hold onto my party life. Something wasn’t working.


  • I wanted to serve GOD and serve my lusts.
  • I wanted to connect to the MODT HIGH with my sinful desires.
  • I wanted to live with purity while being impure.


Paul tells Timothy, some people have turned away from a pure heart, clear conscience and genuine faith to pursue what felt right. They had turned away from GOD but wanted GOD’s promises.


My Observations

  • GOD wants me to turn to HIM and drop the world’s philosophies.
  • GOD sees my heart and is able to cleanse it of all unrighteousness.
  • GOD always welcomes me back even when I turn away.


Trying to serve the world or myself causes problems with my relationship with GOD. I mean, GOD is love and HE is pure love. HE has no sin in HIM, I, on the other hand, have sin in me from birth. There is no way to get rid of my sin by my own power. BUT GOD has a remedy.


JESUS decided to save me from my sins. HE sent the HOLY SPIRIT to live in my heart to keep me safe from my sins. HE begs on my behalf when I fall and keeps me strong when I am tempted to turn away from GOD. I owe all to GOD and I gladly serve HIM.



  • What “way” is the writer speaking about?
  • Have you ever known you were doing something wrong, yet tried to hold onto it and get GOD to do something for you?
  • Will you serve GOD fully by turning back to HIM and allow HIM to help you with self-control today?

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Arouse the Love

Arouse the Love

! Timothy 1: I want you to stay in Ephesus, just as I urged you when I was on my way to Macedonia. Some people there are teaching false doctrines, and you must order them to stop. Tell them to give up those legends and those long lists of ancestors, which only produce arguments; they do not serve God's plan, which is known by faith. The purpose of this order is to arouse the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a genuine faith. 




Angered by the driver darting in front of me, I yelled out in fury. “You can’t do that!” was my outburst. But words were not enough. I darted into the next lane, hoping to pass the reckless driver, but traffic did not allow me to “win the prize” of getting in front. I drove angrily the rest of the trip.


  • I was affected by something out of my control.
  • I was easily taken away from peace to rage.
  • I wanted to “teach” the driver a lesson, but this lesson had the wrong motive.


Paul warns Timothy about those who were practicing false teaching. He sent an order to stop their practice of arguing over lineage. He also told them to focus on faith in JESUS. Lastly, he presents Timothy with purpose.


My Observations

  • A pure heart can only be provided by GOD when HE dwells inside me.
  • A clear conscience can only be obtain when GOD forgives me.
  • A genuine faith can only be fostered when it is placed in JESUS.


Believing that I am better than someone else because of my ancestors is a lie. I mean, every human is a sinner, so no one is better than the next. JESUS deserves the praise and that should be my focus. HIS love should be aroused in my purpose.


HE gave me the HOLY SPIRIT who cleanse my heart when I soil it. HE helps me forgive myself when I fail. HE guides me to the truth which is JESUS, upon which I can place my faith. I am glad GOD’s love is aroused towards me and you.



  • Why did the writer give the recipient this warning?
  • Have you ever wanted to feel superior to someone else?
  • Will you accept GOD’s purpose for your life and arouse HIS love today?

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Adopted Family

Adopted Family

1 Timothy 1: From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by order of God our Savior and Christ Jesus our hope—

To Timothy, my true son in the faith:

May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace.




Smelling the tasty food being prepared, my stomach growled. I kept peeking at the kitchen wondering what was cooking. “Would you like to stay for dinner?” were the words I had never heard before. “Can I?” I replied! “Sure, let’s ask your parents if it is okay.”


  • I was excited to be able to hang out over someone else’s house.
  • I did not know I was being asked into the family versus just getting a meal.
  • I remember many fathers and mothers who adopted me as one of theirs.


Paul writes a letter to Timothy, calling him a son. Because of their relationship with JESUS, Paul brings Timothy into his family and provides words of encouragement. mentions his calling by the LORD and associates Timothy to that calling. He wished Timothy the best.


My Observations

  • JESUS is my Savior and my hope.
  • I am adopted into a vast family of believers because of GOD’s love for me.
  • I can adopt people into the family and provide GOD’s grace, mercy and peace.


Family adoption is necessary. I mean, in this world of hurt, words of encouragement are few and far between. BUT GOD has a remedy. HE wants us to believe in HIS SON as the solution. HE guides each of us to be adopted into a family so we can adopt others into the family.


HE provides shelter to those who seek a home. HE adopts the lost, stands him or her up again and wipes away all tears. HE gives purpose so life can be abundant. I am truly grateful for my parents, adopted parents siblings and adopted siblings and all who are in my family, physical and spiritual.



  • What does the writer want?
  • Have you ever been adopted into a family, even for a moment?
  • Are you willing to bring someone into GOD’s family so he or she can experience GOD’s grace, mercy and peace today?

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Provided For

Provided For

2 Thessalonians 3: 16 May the Lord himself, who is our source of peace, give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with you all.

17 With my own hand I write this: Greetings from Paul This is the way I sign every letter; this is how I write.

18 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.




Ready to do a presentation, I pulled out my ancient laptop. “Sorry, we don’t have that type of connection” were the words I did not like hearing, referring to the type of cable needed to connect to a projector.


“Search through your bag for a flash drive” were the words I felt. I dug through my bag and, to my surprise, had one I placed there years ago. I copied my presentation and gave it to the organization.


  • What I needed was there all along.
  • I thought my plans would be stopped, but a way was made.
  • This small incident taught me there is always another way.


Paul specifically mentions he penned the letter that he collaborated with Silas and Timothy. He ends with a prayer for all believers in JESUS. He asks for peace, for the LORD to be with everyone at all times and for grace.


My Observations

  • Sometimes I forget that the LORD is the source of my peace.
  • Grace and peace are always with me even when I mess up.
  • I don’t have to look far for peace or grace because the LORD is always with me.


Grace and peace can seem elusive, but that is a lie. I mean, when trials last longer than expected, I may think GOD is withholding HIS peace. I may even start believing the lie that it may have been some sin that I did, or some action I did not do. BUT GOD is gentle.


HE simply whispers “Here, have peace” in the middle of the storm. When everyone else is worried, losing sleep and harassed, GOD can provide peace that is strange. HE also gives me unusual grace that covers sins I know about and those I don’t. I am so glad HIS grace is sufficient.



  • What is the writer’s prayer?
  • Why do you need peace, the LORD to be with you and grace?
  • Will you stop trying to acquire something that is with you at all times and thank GOD for being with you, giving you peace and for HIS grace today?



Dear LORD, please grant this reader peace today. Grant him or her the knowledge that YOU are there and have been all along. Please let the reader know that YOU will never, ever leave, nor forsake him or her. Thank YOU for YOUR grace. amen

Monday, January 9, 2023

People Pleasing

People Pleasing

2 Thessalonians 3: 13 But you, friends, must not become tired of doing good. 14 It may be that some there will not obey the message we send you in this letter. If so, take note of them and have nothing to do with them, so that they will be ashamed. 15 But do not treat them as enemies; instead, warn them as believers.




“I am bored” I complained. I was on my first job out of college and wanted some action and excitement. Instead, all I was doing was supporting the first project I was on. No phone calls would come in, so I had nothing to do. Meanwhile other support roles were suggested to me that I quickly shot down. After a while, the suggestions stopped, but other people were assigned to new projects. “Hey, what about me?” I thought.


  • I wanted to be pleased.
  • I had specific hopes in mind that were not being met.
  • I was not willing to be pleased by the suggestions made.


Paul, Silas and Timothy gave advice to keep those who believe in CHRIST from getting tired of serving and “doing good.” They knew that some people would keep accepting service and never serve or lift a finger to help grow GOD’s kingdom. Their suggestion was to leave those who were leading “lazy lives” alone until willingness to help  came into play.


My Observations

  • GOD wants me to be willing toserve people and not get tired of doing so.
  • GOD wants me to open my eyes to when I am being served and be thankful.
  • If I am trying to please people, I will get tired and disappointed, BUT GOD wants me to pace myself and not try to please everyone.


People pleasing is dangerous. I mean, I may be doing it for the wrong reasons or I may never see the results “I” want to see. BUT GOD sees the situation differently. HE wants me to serve people and not grow weary. But how?


HE wants me to serve those who I was made for and pray for those I am not. I can only reach certain people, and I need to have faith that GOD will send someone who is made for those I cannot reach. I have to pace myself so I do not become tired and trust GOD that HE has a plan to reach those I cannot. I am glad GOD made each of us unique to reach people.



  • Why do you think the people were becoming tired of doing good?
  • Have you ever wanted your way and tried to be “good” for a while and still did not get your way?
  • Have you ever served people who did not seem like they appreciated your service and demanded more and more?
  • Will you pace yourself and let go of those who cannot be pleased and serve people for GOD versus serving for your own motives today?