Monday, January 9, 2023

People Pleasing

People Pleasing

2 Thessalonians 3: 13 But you, friends, must not become tired of doing good. 14 It may be that some there will not obey the message we send you in this letter. If so, take note of them and have nothing to do with them, so that they will be ashamed. 15 But do not treat them as enemies; instead, warn them as believers.




“I am bored” I complained. I was on my first job out of college and wanted some action and excitement. Instead, all I was doing was supporting the first project I was on. No phone calls would come in, so I had nothing to do. Meanwhile other support roles were suggested to me that I quickly shot down. After a while, the suggestions stopped, but other people were assigned to new projects. “Hey, what about me?” I thought.


  • I wanted to be pleased.
  • I had specific hopes in mind that were not being met.
  • I was not willing to be pleased by the suggestions made.


Paul, Silas and Timothy gave advice to keep those who believe in CHRIST from getting tired of serving and “doing good.” They knew that some people would keep accepting service and never serve or lift a finger to help grow GOD’s kingdom. Their suggestion was to leave those who were leading “lazy lives” alone until willingness to help  came into play.


My Observations

  • GOD wants me to be willing toserve people and not get tired of doing so.
  • GOD wants me to open my eyes to when I am being served and be thankful.
  • If I am trying to please people, I will get tired and disappointed, BUT GOD wants me to pace myself and not try to please everyone.


People pleasing is dangerous. I mean, I may be doing it for the wrong reasons or I may never see the results “I” want to see. BUT GOD sees the situation differently. HE wants me to serve people and not grow weary. But how?


HE wants me to serve those who I was made for and pray for those I am not. I can only reach certain people, and I need to have faith that GOD will send someone who is made for those I cannot reach. I have to pace myself so I do not become tired and trust GOD that HE has a plan to reach those I cannot. I am glad GOD made each of us unique to reach people.



  • Why do you think the people were becoming tired of doing good?
  • Have you ever wanted your way and tried to be “good” for a while and still did not get your way?
  • Have you ever served people who did not seem like they appreciated your service and demanded more and more?
  • Will you pace yourself and let go of those who cannot be pleased and serve people for GOD versus serving for your own motives today?

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