Monday, June 8, 2020


Acts 11: Now the apostles and brethren who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God. And when Peter came up to Jerusalem, those of the circumcision contended with him, saying, “You went in to uncircumcised men and ate with them!”


“What do you do for fun?” people asked me as they visited the town I moved to. “I go out with my coworkers” I replied. “You go out with ‘them’?” they asked shockingly. The questions about what I did with “them” and wasn’t I scared being around “them” ensued.

  • Many times I have been put in the “them” category.
  • Many times I have been labeled as “them.”
  • Many times I have looked at others as “them.”

The apostles did something very wrong to Peter, thinking they were right. Instead of praising GOD for more people believing in JESUS, they accused him for eating with Gentiles. As if to say, “How dare you eat with “them!”

  • GOD wants me to give the great news about HIS SON to anyone who will receive it.
  • GOD wants me to tell everyone about HIS greatness.
  • GOD wants me to be with hurting people HE places around me or sends me to.

JESUS taught the disciples how to pray, but they took it too literal. “Give us this day our daily bread” is inclusive, not exclusive. GOD wants me to see that humans are the “us” HE was speaking about, not a certain group.

Only a small god can serve a few people. BUT JESUS can serve all who believe in HIM. GOD is made up of love and humans find a thousand ways to label and hate each other. I am grateful GOD shows me love and wants me to do the same to “us.”

  • Are you questioning someone because they are showing love to another race?
  • Do you think GOD is only for a single race?
  • Will you grow your faith enough to allow GOD to stretch your heart to fit other people in it so you can be a blessing to many today?

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