Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Complete Change of Mind

Complete Change of Mind

Romans 12: So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer. Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.




Let me review my life’s checklist. High pressured job chasing wealth? Check. Sleepless nights worrying instead of believing? Check. Hidden sin? Check. Overlooked homeless people? Check. Hiding my relationship with GOD to fit in? Check. Yep, I looked like the rest of the world. I wondered if they will give me a raise?


  • There have been many times when I hid my relationship with GOD to fit in.
  • There have been many times when I committed sin, but hid it to fit in.
  • There have been many times when I made sure I knew about the world, dressed like the world and worried like the world so I could fit in.


Paul appeals to everyone to become a “living sacrifice.” He goes on to say this requires dedication to GOD’s service, seeking to please HIM in every way. He also urges everyone to stop trying to be like the rest of the world and allow GOD to “transform by a complete change of mind.”


  • GOD wants me to have faith, so HE will put me in situations that require faith.
  • GOD wants me to have pure thoughts about HIS creations, so HE wants me to look at all humans as someone HE loves.
  • GOD wants me to have a higher standard, so HE gave HIS SON as the measure of perfection to compare my life to.


Becoming a living sacrifice is not easy. I mean, as a person born into sin, I crave what the world offers. When the world says it’s okay to have sex outside of marriage, I crave it. When the world says to medicate my problems away, I crave it.


When the world mislabels me, slanders me, and overlooks me based on seeing me, I react with the standard hate filled, argumentative,  validation seeking way. BUT GOD wants another way. GOD wants me to say to HIM, “Here I am, please open my eyes to how YOU want me to think.” I am grateful HE is willing to change my mind.


  • What standard do you have for yourself or others?
  • Are you trying to fit into the world and serve GOD at the same time?
  • Will you allow GOD to change your mind on your worries, doubts, fears, lusts, and relationships, so HE can guide you and fill your heart with HIS perfect will today?

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