Friday, September 2, 2022

Not As It Seems

Not As It Seems

Colossians 2: Let me tell you how hard I have worked for you and for the people in Laodicea and for all others who do not know me personally. I do this in order that they may be filled with courage and may be drawn together in love, and so have the full wealth of assurance which true understanding brings. In this way they will know God's secret, which is Christ himself. He is the key that opens all the hidden treasures of God's wisdom and knowledge.




Despising my previous jobs as a person who cleaned after others, I set my pursuits on technology. When I got into the industry, I found I was working long hours due to the sheer amount of work and competition.


  • I was still uneasy and unsure of my future.
  • I was temporarily part of a team that seemed to change when someone moved on.
  • I thought having a “good” job would bring me assurance, but it did not and I had more worries.


Paul explains why he did what he did. He worked hard spreading the Gospel to strangers because CHRIST HIMSELF opened his eyes to the “hidden treasures of GOD’s wisdom.”


My Observations

  • Worldly pursuits can sometimes blind me to seeking GOD’s kingdom.
  • Thinking of “getting ahead” reduces my thinking of GOD.
  • I may get what I want but not want what I get.


Spiritual blindness is a natural born trait that seems impossible to overcome. I mean, I am born into sin and set my mind on the pursuits of sin. It seems hopeless that I am doomed to choose sinful ways. BUT GOD intervened.


JESUS interrupted the cycle by dying for the sins of all mankind. HIS resurrection opened up GOD’s hidden treasure that is hidden from those who do not believe. Pursuits can now be placed under the feet of JESUS so HE can guide me to where HE wants me to be. I am glad I can give everything to GOD.



  • Why do you think the writer worked hard doing what he did?
  • Have you ever been motivated by money or fame or power?
  • Will you give your pursuits to GOD so HE can guide them and lead you on a path of unimaginable wisdom and knowledge today?

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