Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Answer the Call


Answer the Call

Romans 8: 28 We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose. 29 Those whom God had already chosen he also set apart to become like his Son, so that the Son would be the first among many believers. 30 And so those whom God set apart, he called; and those he called, he put right with himself, and he shared his glory with them.




Avoiding the phone became a normal occurrence. I let the answering machine screen the calls because I did not have any money and could not see getting any money in the near future. Yes, I said answering machine. I would hear the creditors asking for money I did not have. The call would only make me feel worse.


  • Many times I avoided calls because I was afraid of the caller.
  • Many times I avoided calls because I thought I could not do what the caller was asking.
  • Many times I avoided calls because I knew I would have to confess that I owed something, but could not repay.


Paul says something that can be a little hard to understand. He talks about GOD choosing people. The sinful question that tries to negate GOD choosing people is “Why?” Paul does not explain “why”, rather he encourages those who have been chosen by GOD to know the calling has purpose. This purpose brings the good of GOD, so HIS calling is one that gives power.


  • GOD has called me for HIS purpose.
  • GOD has chosen me to become like JESUS.
  • GOD has put me right with HIMSELF so I can do HIS will.


Answering GOD’s call is strange. I mean, HE seems to call at the wrong time, in the wrong way. Just like a creditor calling when I have no money, GOD seems to call when I am not ready or have nothing to give. BUT HIS call needs to be answered.


GOD wants me to be powerless so I can truly point to HIS power. HE gives me purpose and shares HIS glory with me. The purpose is to share the love of JESUS with as many as GOD has given me. I accept GOD’s calling on my life.


  • Is GOD trying to speak to you but you are too busy or worried with life?
  • Does your bills or desires make you not want to hear GOD’s calling?
  • Will you let go of the control you have on your life and allow GOD to give you purpose that is meaningful today?

1 comment:

  1. Hearing the call from God is at times overwhelming, I am removing the word trying and replacing it with doing, sometimes it is challenging to do with God all things are possible, I will hold to that promise and keep moving towards Him!
