Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Worn Out


Worn Out

Romans 9: 30 So we say that the Gentiles, who were not trying to put themselves right with God, were put right with him through faith; 31 while God's people, who were seeking a law that would put them right with God, did not find it. 32 And why not? Because they did not depend on faith but on what they did. And so they stumbled over the “stumbling stone” 33 that the scripture speaks of:


“Look, I place in Zion a stone
    that will make people stumble,
    a rock that will make them fall.
But whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.”




Desiring to move up, I applied for position after position. I did not get each them. I decided that my problem was possibly my work ethic. One day, I stayed at work overnight. I worked for 36 straight hours trying to help the company keep a contract that was slipping away. The company did not get the contract and I still did not get promoted.


  • There have been times when I worked very hard and got nothing.
  • There have been times when I depended on my strength and could not make it happen.
  • There have been times when I tried to do everything right, but it was not enough.


Paul writes about something very peculiar. He mentions that the Gentiles, who were not even trying, were put right with GOD though faith. Meanwhile, the people GOD chose to be born through decided JESUS was not enough and they wanted people to focus on the law, wearing themselves out. They stumbled over the ROCK.


  • GOD wants me to have total faith in HIM.
  • GOD wants me to watch HIM work things out.
  • GOD wants me to believe in JESUS who is the cornerstone that makes people stumble.


Belief in JESUS is all that is needed. It seems so simple. In fact, it seems too simple. “What’s the catch?” I ask. I mean, don’t I have to try hard to win GOD’s love? No! GOD loved me so much that HE gave HIS one and only SON to die in my place and when I believed in HIS resurrection, I will no longer perish but have everlasting life.


Trying to win GOD over by showing up to weekly gatherings and giving some money and following the rules diminishes what GOD did. HE saved the world! HE said, “It is finished” meaning, there is nothing more to do.


The harder I try, the more I don’t rely. HE simply wants me to believe and be so excited that I will tell others and they will believe. HE is the one who controls all circumstances. I place my trust in JESUS and I have never been disappointed.


  • Are you worn out?
  • Do you feel you need to try harder to win GOD’s love?
  • Are you looking at your circumstance, thinking GOD must not love you?
  • Will you place your faith in JESUS and keep trusting that HE is the one who loves you will not disappoint you.

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